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Language Change at the Interfaces: Intrasentential and intersentential phenomena等2则书讯
①2022年团购专著Language Change at the Interfaces: Intrasentential and intersentential phenomena
②2021年前沿专著Polysemy, Diachrony, and the Circle of Cognition
封面 | 概况 | 书讯类型 |
【书名】:Language Change at the Interfaces: Intrasentential and intersentential phenomena 【作者】:Nicholas Catasso et al. (eds.) 【年份】:2022年 【简介】:【团购资源】语言演变界面研究 This volume offers an up-to-date survey of linguistic phenomena at the interfaces between syntax and prosody, information structure and discourse – with a special focus on Germanic and Romance – and their role in language change. The contributions, set within the generative framework, discuss original data and provide new insights into the diachronic development of long-burning issues such as negation, word order, quantifiers, null subjects, aspectuality, the structure of the left periphery, and extraposition.
The first part of the volume explores interface phenomena at the intrasentential level, in which only clause-internal factors seem to play a significant role in determining diachronic change. The second part examines developments at the intersentential level involving a rearrangement of categories between at least two clausal domains.
The book will be of interest for scholars and students interested in generative accounts of language change phenomena at the interfaces, as well as for theoretical linguists in general. | 此书讯“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Polysemy, Diachrony, and the Circle of Cognition 【作者】:Michael Fortescue 【年份】:2021年 【简介】:Verbs of mental states or activity constitute a subject of considerable interest to both Cognitive Linguistics and Linguistic Typology. They promise to open a window on the invisible workings of the mind, while at the same time displaying a wide variety of historical sources across languages. In this book Michael Fortescue presents an innovative approach to the semantics and diachronic source of cognitive verbs across a representative array of the world’s languages. The relationship among the cognitive verbs of individual languages is essentially one of metonymy, and the book investigates in detail the specific metonymic relationships involved, as revealed largely by the polysemous spread of word meanings. The data is projected against a circular ‘map’ of interrelated cognitive categories. | 此资源由网友提供 |