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本期推送的是国际权威期刊Applied Psycholinguistics(《应用心理语言学》)2019年全6期(Volume 40, Issue 1-6)的59篇论文,各位可在三天内点击文末附件下载(下载后如遇个别PDF文件无法打开的情况,

Applied Psycholinguistics(《应用心理语言学》)2019年全6期59篇论文

期刊主编:Rachel Hayes-Harb 




Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 1Article 01Adaptation to syntactic structures in native and nonnative sentence comprehension
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 1Article 02Impact of language dominance on phonetic transfer in Cantonese–English bilingual language switching
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 1Article 03Japanese EFL learners’ sentence processing of conceptual plurality: An analysis focusing on reciprocal verbs
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 1Article 04How much do visual cues help listeners in perceiving accented speech?
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 1Article 05How conceptualizing influences fluency in first and second language speech production
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 1Article 06Context, word, and student predictors in second language vocabulary learning
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 1Article 07Adults’ sensitivity to graphotactic differences within the English vocabulary
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 1Article 08The role of aptitude in second language segmental learning: The case of Japanese learners’ English /ɹ/ pronunciation attainment in classroom settings
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 1Article 09Signatures of automaticity during practice: Explicit instruction about L1 processing routines can improve L2 grammatical processing
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 01Cross-script transfer of word reading fluency in a mixed writing system: Evidence from a longitudinal study in Japanese
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 02Indexing effects of phonological representational strength on rapid naming using rime neighborhood density
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 03Auditory statistical learning in children: Novel insights from an online measure
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 04The development of a measure of root awareness to account for reading performance in the Arabic language: A development and validation study
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 05Contributions of vocabulary and discourse-level skills to reading comprehension among Chinese elementary school children
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 06The processing of dialectal variants: Further insight from French
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 07Native-like processing of prominence cues in L2 written discourse comprehension: Evidence from font emphasis
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 08The role of literariness in second language incidental vocabulary acquisition
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 09Staying rooted: Spelling performance in children with dyslexia
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 10Verbal fluency in relation to reading ability in students with and without dyslexia
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 11Learning nouns and verbs in a foreign language: The role of gestures
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 12Orthographic processing and children’s word reading
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 13Normative ratings for 536 action-related sentences in Spanish
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 14How does language proficiency affect children’s iconic gesture use?
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 2Article 15Japanese co-occurrence restrictions influence second language perception
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 3Article 01Short-term memory problems for phonemes’ serial order in adults with dyslexia: Evidence from a different analysis of the Nonword repetition task
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 3Article 02Beyond accuracy: Heritage speakers’ performance on two kinds of acceptability judgment tasks
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 3Article 03The associations between cognitive ability and L2 development under five different instructional conditions
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 3Article 04Grain size effects in rime judgment across literacy development in German
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 3Article 05Pause behavior within reformulations and the proficiency level of second language learners of English
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 3Article 06Morphological awareness and reading achievement in university students
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 3Article 07Unraveling the complexity of the relations of metalinguistic skills to word reading with struggling adult readers: Shared, independent, and interactive effects
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 3Article 08The effect of speech rhythm and speaking rate on assessment of pronunciation in a second language
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 4Article 01The development of English tense and agreement morphology in Welsh–English bilingual children with and without specific language impairment
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 4Article 02Patterns of educational achievement among groups of immigrant children in Denmark emerge already in preschool second-language and preliteracy skills
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 4Article 03The development of vocabulary and morphological awareness: A longitudinal study with college EFL students
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 4Article 04Orthography and speech production in children with good or poor reading skills
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 4Article 05Mandarin–English speaking bilingual and Mandarin speaking monolingual children’s comprehension of relative clauses
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 4Article 06“It is alive!” Evidence for animacy effects in semantic categorization and lexical decision
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 4Article 07Frequency effects on first and second language compositional phrase comprehension and production
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 4Article 08Long-term outcomes for bilinguals in minority language contexts: Welsh–English teenagers’ performance on measures of grammatical gender and plural morphology in Welsh
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 4Article 09Morphological awareness and word-level reading in early and middle elementary school years
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 5Article 01Exploring multiple constraints on second language development of English polysemous phrasal verbs
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 5Article 02Testing the deficient processing account of the spacing effect in second language vocabulary learning: Evidence from eye tracking
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 5Article 03Gesture in contexts of scopal ambiguity: Negation and quantification in English
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 5Article 04Frequency effects on spelling in Hebrew-speaking younger and older adults
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 5Article 05Predicting bilingual preschoolers’ patterns of language development: Degree of non-native input matters
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 5Article 06Phonetic and phonological effects of tonal information in the segmentation of Korean speech: An artificial-language segmentation study
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 5Article 07Syntactic development in early foreign language learning: Effects of L1 transfer, input, and individual factors
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 5Article 08Linguistic interdependence of receptive vocabulary skills in emergent bilingual preschool children: Exploring a factor-dependent approach
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 5Article 09Knowledge of letter sounds in children from England
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 5Article 10Lying and perception of lies by bilingual speakers
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 6Article 01The benefits of abstract word training on productive vocabulary knowledge among second language learners
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 6Article 02Evaluating Korean learners’ English rhythm proficiency with measures of sentence stress
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 6Article 03Incidental and explicit learning of L2 derivational morphology and the nature of acquired knowledge
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 6Article 04Resolving homography: The role of post-homograph context in reading aloud ambiguous sentences in Hebrew
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 6Article 05A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies on metaphor comprehension in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: Do task properties matter?
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 6Article 06Written training tasks are better than oral training tasks at improving L2 learners’ speech production
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 6Article 07Semantic integration declines independently of working memory in aging
Applied PsycholinguisticsVol 40Issue 6Article 08The acquisition of phonological alternations: The case of the Mandarin tone sandhi process

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