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本期推送的是SSCI期刊Language Teaching2019年的论文合集,即第52卷第1-4期共31篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以在三天内点击文末附件列表下载,三天后资源失效。

Language Teaching2019年全4期(第52卷第1-4期)论文合集




Vol. 52Issue 1Article 01Social media in second and foreign language teaching and learning: Blogs, wikis, and social networking
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 02Collaborative writing
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 03Ways of seeing: The individual and the social in applied linguistics research methodologies
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 04Translanguaging pedagogies and English as a lingua franca
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 05From mythical ‘standard’ to standard reality: The need for alternatives to standardized English language tests
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 06Exploring a poorly understood variable: An agenda for classroom research on the age factor
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 07Replication research in contextual and individual influences in pragmatic competence: Taguchi, Xiao & Li (2016) and Bardovi-Harlig & Bastos (2011)
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 08From research-as-practice to exploratory practice-as-research in language teaching and beyond
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 09Lexical coverage and profiling
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 10Research in language teaching and learning in Austria (2011–2017)
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 11English medium instruction: Global views and countries in focus: Introduction to the symposium held at the Department of Education, University of Oxford on Wednesday 4 November 2015
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 12The linguistic disadvantage of scholars who write in English as an additional language: Myth or reality
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 13Understanding vocabulary acquisition, instruction, and assessment: A research agenda
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 14Practitioners respond to Michael Swan's ‘Applied Linguistics: A consumer's view’
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 15Language teacher identity
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 16Language learning and teaching in South African primary schools
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 17ESP teacher education needs
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 18Looking inside the world of peer review: Implications for graduate student writers
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 19Classroom-oriented research: Processing Instruction (findings and implications)
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 20Multilingualism in older age: A research agenda from the cognitive perspective
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 21Replication in task-based language teaching research: Kim (2012) and Shintani (2012)
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 22Examining lexical development in second language learners: An approximate replication of Salsbury, Crossley & McNamara (2011)
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 23Replication research in pedagogical approaches to spoken fluency and formulaic sequences: A call for replication of Wood (2009) and Boers, Eyckmans, Kappel, Stengers & Demecheleer (2006)
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 24A critical review of research relating to the learning, use and effects of additional and multiple languages in later life
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 25Theory and practice in language teacher education
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 26Towards the corpus revolution? Bridging the research–practice gap
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 27Trading Places, Creating Spaces: Chris Candlin's contribution to aligning research and practice
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 28Input-based tasks for beginner-level learners: An approximate replication and extension of Erlam & Ellis (2018)
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 29Examining second language vocabulary growth: Replications of Schmitt (1998) and Webb & Chang (2012)
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 30Teacher written corrective feedback: Less is more
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 31Research initiatives in the foreign and second language education program of Florida State University: Multiple perspectives, multiple approaches

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