【每日刊讯】Annals of Dyslexia《阅读障碍年鉴》2021年第71卷第3期-共8篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Annals of Dyslexia《阅读障碍年鉴》最新一期、即2021年第71卷第3期的8篇论文(侵删)。
Annals of Dyslexia《阅读障碍年鉴》2021年第71卷第3期-共8篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Thurmann-Moe et al. | The impact of articulatory consciousness training on reading and spelling literacy in students with severe dyslexia: an experimental single case study |
02 | Article | Carioti et al. | Orthographic depth and developmental dyslexia: a meta-analytic study |
03 | Article | Rao et al. | Development and standardization of the DALI-DAB (dyslexia assessment for languages of India – dyslexia assessment battery) |
04 | Article | Nagler et al. | Reading-impaired children improve through text-fading training: analyses of comprehension, orthographic knowledge, and RAN |
05 | Article | Sayeski & Zirkel | Orton-Gillingham and the IDEA: analysis of the frequency and outcomes of case law |
06 | Article | Galazka et al. | Facial speech processing in children with and without dyslexia |
07 | Correction | Galazka et al. | Correction to: Facial speech processing in children with and without dyslexia |
08 | Article | Rijthoven et al. | Semantics impacts response to phonics through spelling intervention in children with dyslexia |
09 | Article | Gonzalez | Dyslexia knowledge, perceived preparedness, and professional development needs of in-service educators |
10 | Correction | Leloup et al. | Correction to: Improving reading skills in children with dyslexia: efficacy studies on a newly proposed remedial intervention—repeated reading with vocal music masking (RVM) |
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