【每日刊讯】Second Language Research《第二语言研究》2021年第37卷第3期-共16篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Second Language Research《第二语言研究》最新一期、即2021年第37卷第3期-共16篇论文(侵删)。
Second Language Research《第二语言研究》2021年第37卷第3期-共16篇论文
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Westergaard | Microvariation in multilingual situations: The importance of property-by-property acquisition |
02 | Commentary | Smith | Language transfer: a useful or pernicious concept? |
03 | Commentary | Archibald | Turtles all the way down: Micro-cues and piecemeal transfer in L3 phonology and syntax |
04 | Commentary | Alonso & Rothman | Avoiding the cum hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy: Comments and questions regarding Full Transfer Potential |
05 | Commentary | White | Choosing between theories: Can L3 acquisition really decide? |
06 | Commentary | Ionin | Property-by-property acquisition of a second language: What transfers, under what conditions, and how does recovery from transfer proceed? |
07 | Commentary | Wrembel | Multilingual acquisition property by property: A view from a wider perspective |
08 | Commentary | Grüter | Marr’s levels of analysis and the notion of copying |
09 | Commentary | Gabriele | Microvariation and transfer in L2 and L3 acquisition |
10 | Commentary | Bardel & Falk | L1, L2 and L3: Same or different? |
11 | Commentary | Cabrelli & Puig-Mayenco | Theoretical and methodological considerations for a robust evaluation of the Linguistic Proximity Model |
12 | Commentary | Morales-Front & Sanz | Piecemeal crosslinguistic influence and multilingualism |
13 | Commentary | Flynn | Microvariation in multilingual situations: The importance of property-by-property acquisition: Pros and cons |
14 | Commentary | Schwartz & Sprouse | In defense of ‘copying and restructuring’ |
15 | Commentary | Stringer | Commitment in L3 relationships: Sacred vows or polyamory? |
16 | Response | Westergaard | L3 acquisition and crosslinguistic influence as co-activation: Response to commentaries on the keynote ‘Microvariation in multilingual situations: The importance of property-by-property acquisition’ |
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