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本期推送的是SSCI期刊Journal of Sociolinguistics(《社会语言学杂志》)2019年全5卷论文集(即第23卷1-5期共46篇论文),其中目录可以在正文中查看,全文可以于即日起3天内点击文末附件列表下载,

Journal of Sociolinguistics(《社会语言学杂志》)2019年全5卷46篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 23Issue 1Article 01Emerging from below the social radar: Incipient evaluation in the North West of England
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 02Intonation, identity and contact‐induced change among Polish‐speaking migrants in the U.K.
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 03Language policy at a crossroads?
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 04Authentic language and legitimate speakers: Language management in Catalonia and Provence
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 05Francophone Canadian, franco‐mobile, Tamil? Unfolding identity
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 06MacKenzie, Ian. Language Contact and the Future of English
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 07Bucholtz, Mary, Casillas, Dolores Inés, and Sook Lee, Jin (eds.). Feeling It: Language, Race, and Affect in Latinx Youth Learning. 
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 08Blog: Language: A Feminist Guide. Blog authored by Cameron, Deborah, Oxford University, U.K. 
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 09Blog: Belonging, Identity, Language, Diversity (BILD)/Langage, Identité, Diversité, Appartenance (LIDA).
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 10“You are your only limit”: Appropriations and valorizations of affect in university branding
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 11A slightly slummier area? Negotiations of place‐bound identities through social spatializations and unofficial toponyms
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 12Patterns of sociolinguistic variation in teacher classroom speech
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 13Teaching the sociolinguistics of heteroglossia
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 14Multilingual Brazil: Language Resources, Identities Ideologies in a Globalized World
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 15Exploring Future Paths for Historical Sociolinguistics
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 16Between the Andes and the Amazon. Language and Social Meaning in Bolivia
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 17Blog: La Càtedra UNESCO de Diversitat Lingüística I Cultural/UNESCO Chair on Linguistic and Cultural Diversity
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 18
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 19The mouths of others: The linguistic performance of race in Bermuda
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 20“Those foreigners ruin everything here”: Interactional functions of ethnic labelling among pupils in the Netherlands
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 21Fat talk: A citizen sociolinguistic approach
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 22Discursive shifts associated with coming out: A corpus‐based analysis of news reports about Ricky Martin
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 23In pursuit of social meaning
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 24Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice: An Introduction to Applied Sociolinguistics
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 25Legitimising Standard Languages: Perspectives from a School in Banaras
Vol. 23Issue 4Article 26Discourse, Gender, and Shifting Identities in Japan: The Longitudinal Study of Kobe women's Ethnographic Interviews 1989–2019
Vol. 23Issue 4Article 27Rethinking class in sociolinguistics: Series introduction
Vol. 23Issue 4Article 28Language, discourse, and class: What's next for sociolinguistics?
Vol. 23Issue 4Article 29Complicating categories: Personae mediate racialized expectations of non‐native speech
Vol. 23Issue 4Article 30Towards a parental muda for new Basque speakers: Assessing emotional factors and language ideologies
Vol. 23Issue 4Article 31English as a medium of instruction and the discursive construction of elite identity
Vol. 23Issue 4Article 32The sociolinguistics of Hip‐Hop as critical conscience: A review from the perspective of a sociolinguist Hip‐Hopper
Vol. 23Issue 4Article 33African Youth Languages: New Media, Performing Arts & Sociolinguistic Development
Vol. 23Issue 4Article 34The Multilingual Citizen
Vol. 23Issue 5Article 35Language, Identity And Education On The Arabian Peninsula: Bilingual Policies In A Multilingual Context
Vol. 23Issue 5Article 36The sociolinguistics of late modern publics
Vol. 23Issue 5Article 37Making registers in politics: Circulation and ideologies of linguistic authority
Vol. 23Issue 5Article 38Sensational signs, authority and the public sphere: Settler colonial rhetoric in times of change
Vol. 23Issue 5Article 39The public life of white affects
Vol. 23Issue 5Article 40Sociolinguistics going ‘wild’: The construction of auratic fields
Vol. 23Issue 5Article 41On the conditions of authority in academic publics
Vol. 23Issue 5Article 42Entanglements of colonialism, social class, and Unequal Englishes
Vol. 23Issue 5Article 43Language ideologies and practices in Africa
Vol. 23Issue 5Article 44Statehood, Scale and Hierarchy: History, Language and Identity in Indonesia
Vol. 23Issue 5Article 45The Oxford Handbook of Language And Society
Vol. 23Issue 5Article 46Interactional Studies of Qualitative Research Interviews

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