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本期推送的是SSCI期刊Journal of Psycholinguistic Research(《心理语言学研究杂志》)2019年全6期(即第48卷1-6期共76篇论文),其中目录可以在正文中查看,全文可以于即日起3天内点击文末附件列表下

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research《心理语言学研究杂志》2019年全6期76篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 01The Roles of Relative Linguistic Proficiency and Modality Switching in Language Switch Cost: Evidence from Chinese Visual Unimodal and Bimodal Bilinguals
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 02Understanding Prosodic Focus Marking in Mandarin Chinese: Data from Children and Adults
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 03The Similarities Between the Target and the Intruder in Naturally Occurring Person Naming Errors: A Comparison Between Repeated and Single Naming Confusions
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 04Factors Influencing L2 Self-repair Behavior: The Role of L2 Proficiency, Attentional Control and L1 Self-repair Behavior
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 05The Meeting Point: Where Language Production and Working Memory Share Resources
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 06A Developmental Perspective on Processing Semantic Context: Preliminary Evidence from Sentential Auditory Word Repetition in School-Aged Children
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 07Power Talk: Communication Styles, Vocalization Rates and Dominance
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 08Joint Contributions of Multilevel Linguistic Knowledge to Character Meaning Retention in L2 Chinese
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 09L1 Orthography in L2 Chinese Morphological Awareness: An Investigation of Alphabetic and Abugida Readers
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 10Use of Prosocial Word Enhances the Processing of Language: Frequency Domain Analysis of Human EEG
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 11Blue is in the Eye of the Beholder: A Cross-Linguistic Study on Color Perception and Memory
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 12The Processing of Grammatical Gender Agreement in Brazilian Portuguese: ERP Evidence in Favor of a Single Route
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 13What Can We Learn About Psychopathic Offenders by Studying Their Communication? A Review of the Literature
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 14The Influence of Presentation Format of Story on Narrative Production in Chinese Children Learning English-as-a-Second-Language: A Comparison Between Graphic Novel, Illustration Book and Text
Vol. 48Issue 1Artcile 15Core Semantic Links or Lexical Associations: Assessing the Nature of Responses in Word Association Tasks
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 16The Potential Relationship Between Openness and Explicit Versus Implicit L2 Knowledge
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 17Acquisition of Stop Consonants in Mandarin-Japanese Early Bilingual Children
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 18Correction to: Acquisition of Stop Consonants in Mandarin-Japanese Early Bilingual Children
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 19Towards Conceptualizing Language Learning Curiosity in SLA: An Empirical Study
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 20The Role of Working Memory, Language Proficiency, and Learners’ Age in Second Language English Learners’ Processing and Comprehension of Anaphoric Sentences
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 21Role of Resilience in (De)Motivation and Second Language Proficiency: Cases of Korean Elementary School Students
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 22Native Korean-Speaking Children Learning to Read in English: A Structural Analysis of L2-English Literacy Acquisition
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 23On the Relation Between Procedural Learning and Syntactic Proficiency in Gifted Children
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 24Predictive Language Processing in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Eye-Tracking Study
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 25Delayed Application of Binding Condition C During Cataphoric Pronoun Resolution
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 26A Developmental Study of the Narrative Components and Patterns of Chinese Children Aged 3–6 Years
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 27Homophone Advantage in Sentence Acceptability Judgment: An Experiment with Japanese Kanji Words and Articulatory Suppression Technique
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 28Is There an Orthographic Boost for Ambiguous Words During Their Processing?
Vol. 48Issue 2Artcile 29The Book Dog and Semiotic Resources in Envisionment Building of a Text World
Vol. 48Issue 3Artcile 30Anaphoric Reference to Quantified Expressions in Swedish
Vol. 48Issue 3Artcile 31Acquisition of Reading and Intellectual Development Disorder
Vol. 48Issue 3Artcile 32Levels of Abstractness in Semantic Noun and Verb Processing: The Role of Sensory-Perceptual and Sensory-Motor Information
Vol. 48Issue 3Artcile 33Narrative Competence of Adult L2 Russian Learners
Vol. 48Issue 3Artcile 34The Power of an Image: Images, Not Glosses, Enhance Learning of Concrete L2 Words in Beginning Learners
Vol. 48Issue 3Artcile 35Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Interacts with Ambiguity During Sentence Comprehension
Vol. 48Issue 3Artcile 36Latent Semantic Analysis Discriminates Children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) from Children with Typical Language Development
Vol. 48Issue 3Artcile 37The Role of Short Vowels in Arabic Listening Comprehension
Vol. 48Issue 3Artcile 38Embodiment Effect on the Comprehension of Mandarin Manual Action Language: An ERP Study
Vol. 48Issue 3Artcile 39Input Training Matters in L2 Syntactic Representation Entrenchment: Evidence from a Follow-Up ERP Study
Vol. 48Issue 3Artcile 40Sensitivity to Inflectional Morphemes in the Absence of Meaning: Evidence from a Novel Task
Vol. 48Issue 4Artcile 41Academic Vocabulary Knowledge and Reading Comprehension Skills Among Seventh-Graders in Arabic as L1
Vol. 48Issue 4Artcile 42The Role of Short Vowels in Reading Arabic: A Critical Literature Review
Vol. 48Issue 4Artcile 43The Development of Anaphora Resolution in Spanish
Vol. 48Issue 4Artcile 44On the Implicit Anaphoric Argument of Relational Nouns in Mandarin Chinese
Vol. 48Issue 4Artcile 45Grammar, Gender and Demonstratives in Lateralized Imagery for Sentences
Vol. 48Issue 4Artcile 46The Voice and Speech Quality Correlates of Psychological Observations in Jungian Active Imagination Experiment
Vol. 48Issue 4Artcile 47A Note on the Voice Mismatch Asymmetry in Ellipsis
Vol. 48Issue 4Artcile 48The Effects of Vocabulary Enhancement Exercises and Group Dynamic Assessment on Word Learning Through Lexical Inferencing
Vol. 48Issue 4Artcile 49Willingness to Communicate: A Predictor of Pushing Vocabulary Knowledge from Receptive to Productive
Vol. 48Issue 4Artcile 50Subject–Aux Inversion in Children with SLI
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 51Language Learnability Analysis of Hindi: A Comparison with Ideal and Constrained Learning Approaches
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 52How Do Different Types of Alignment Affect Perceived Entity Status?
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 53Causal Information Over Facial Expression: Modulation of Facial Expression Processing by Congruency and Causal Factor of the Linguistic Cues in 5-Year-Old Japanese Children
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 54The Use of a Reading Lexicon to Aid Contextual Vocabulary Acquisition by EFL Arab Learners
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 55Investigating the Declarative-Procedural Gap for the Indirect Speech Construction in L2 Learners
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 56The Impact of the Position of Phonemes and Lexical Status on Phonological Awareness in the Diglossic Arabic Language
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 57How do Emotion Word Type and Valence Influence Language Processing? The Case of Arabic–English Bilinguals
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 58The Semantic Integration Between Two Subliminally Perceived Words Simultaneously Presented at Different Locations
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 59The Aachen List of Trait Words
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 60Processing of Translation-Ambiguous Words by Chinese–English Bilinguals in Sentence Context
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 61Strategy Use in Oral Communication with Competent Synthesis and Complex Interaction
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 62Factors Related to Linguistic Content in Video Narrative of Adolescents with Cancer and Healthy Controls
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 63Conflict Processing is Modulated by Positive Emotion Word Type in Second Language: An ERP Study
Vol. 48Issue 5Artcile 64Children’s Comprehension of Irony: Studies on Polish-Speaking Preschoolers
Vol. 48Issue 6Artcile 65A Meta-analysis of L2 Willingness to Communicate and Its Three High-Evidence Correlates
Vol. 48Issue 6Artcile 66The Effects of Meaning Dominance in the Time-Course of Activation of L2 Lexical Ambiguity Processing
Vol. 48Issue 6Artcile 67Speedy Metonymy, Tricky Metaphor, Irrelevant Compositionality: How Nonliteralness Affects Idioms in Reading and Rating
Vol. 48Issue 6Artcile 68Impact of Learning a Foreign Language on the Enhancement of Cognitive Functions Among Healthy Older Population
Vol. 48Issue 6Artcile 69Are French Fries a Vegetable? Lexical Typicality Judgement Differences in Deaf and Hearing Learners
Vol. 48Issue 6Artcile 70The Structure of the Concepts Related to Love Spectrum: Emotional Verbal Fluency Technique Application, Initial Psychometrics, and Its Validation
Vol. 48Issue 6Artcile 71Uneven Linguistic Outcome in Extremely Preterm Children
Vol. 48Issue 6Artcile 72The Affective Meaning of Words is Constrained by the Conceptual Meaning
Vol. 48Issue 6Artcile 73The Influence of Orthography on Phonemic Knowledge: An Experimental Investigation on German and Persian
Vol. 48Issue 6Artcile 74Morphological De-com-pos-it-ion Helps Recognize Low-er Frequency Words in Typically Developing Spanish-Speaking Children
Vol. 48Issue 6Artcile 75Verbal Descriptions Accompanying Numeric Information About the Risk: The Valence of Message and Linguistic Polarity
Vol. 48Issue 6Artcile 76Performance Differences in Hindi and English Speaking Bilinguals on Stroop Task
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