【限时资源,特辑全文】Journal of Memory and Language(《记忆和语言杂志》)特辑——New Approaches to Structural Priming(《结构启动的新方法》)论文集(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI高引期刊Journal of Memory and Language(《记忆和语言杂志》)的一期特辑——New Approaches to Structural Priming(《结构启动的新方法》),总共包含11篇论文,其中目录可在正文查看,全
Journal of Memory and Language: New Approaches to Structural Priming·Full Articles
《记忆和语言杂志》特辑——《结构启动的新方法》论文集 (侵删)
特辑 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
New Approaches to Structural Priming | Article 01 | Thirty years of structural priming: An introduction to the special issue |
New Approaches to Structural Priming | Article 02 | A meta-analysis of syntactic priming in language production |
New Approaches to Structural Priming | Article 03 | Readers generalize adaptation to newly-encountered dialectal structures to other unfamiliar structures |
New Approaches to Structural Priming | Article 04 | Unifying structural priming effects on syntactic choices and timing of sentence generation |
New Approaches to Structural Priming | Article 05 | The independence of syntactic processing in Mandarin: Evidence from structural priming |
New Approaches to Structural Priming | Article 06 | The persistence of syntactic priming revisited |
New Approaches to Structural Priming | Article 07 | Shared and distinct mechanisms in deriving linguistic enrichment |
New Approaches to Structural Priming | Article 08 | What children learn from adults’ utterances: An ephemeral lexical boost and persistent syntactic priming in adult–child dialogue |
New Approaches to Structural Priming | Article 09 | Structural priming in artificial languages and the regularisation of unpredictable variation |
New Approaches to Structural Priming | Article 10 | Primed codeswitching in spontaneous bilingual dialogue |
New Approaches to Structural Priming | Article 11 | Grammatical encoding and learning in agrammatic aphasia: Evidence from structural priming |
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