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本期推送的是SSCI权威期刊——Language Sciences(《语言科学》)2019年论文集,即第71-76卷的51篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失

Language Sciences(《语言科学》)2019年论文集-共6卷51篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 71Article 01Simplexity, languages and human languaging
Vol. 71Article 02Evolution, lineages and human language
Vol. 71Article 03The bio-logic of languaging and its epistemological background
Vol. 71Article 04Language and simplexity: A powers view
Vol. 71Article 05Biological simplexity and cognitive heteronomy
Vol. 71Article 06Simplex selves, functional synergies, and selving: Languaging in a complex world
Vol. 71Article 07Afterword: a view from enaction
Vol. 72Article 08Bit and beat are heard as the same: Mapping the vowel perceptual patterns of Greek-English bilingual children
Vol. 72Article 09This is not an interrogative: the prosody of “wh-questions” in Hebrew and the sources of their questioning and rhetorical interpretations
Vol. 72Article 10Perception of lexical stress and sentence focus by Korean-speaking and Spanish-speaking L2 learners of English
Vol. 72Article 11Nouns for visual objects: A hypothesis of the vision-language interface
Vol. 72Article 12The representation of motion in discourse: variation across registers
Vol. 72Article 13Testing factivity in Italian. Experimental evidence for the hypothesis that Italian sapere is ambiguous
Vol. 72Article 14The structure of situation models as revealed by anaphor resolution
Vol. 72Article 15The meaning change of hayır during the Turkish constitutional referendum 2017
Vol. 72Article 16Writing: the re-construction of language
Vol. 72Article 17In what sense is integrational theory lay-oriented? Notes on Harrisian core concepts and explanatory terminology
Vol. 72Article 18Measuring the phonological (un)naturalness of selected alternation patterns in Polish
Vol. 73Article 19Categorial shift: foundations, extensions, and consequences
Vol. 73Article 20Nominal and verbal gerunds in present-day English: aspectual features and nominal status
Vol. 73Article 21Aspectual features and categorial shift: deverbal nominals in German and English
Vol. 73Article 22Categorial shift via aspect and gender change in deverbal nouns
Vol. 73Article 23A corpus-based view on the (aspectual-)semantics of Modern English nominalizations
Vol. 73Article 24A game of give and take: category change on the border between adverbial verbal gerunds and augmented absolutes in English
Vol. 73Article 25Verbalization of nominalizations: A typological commentary on the article by Nikki van de Pol
Vol. 73Article 26On the edge between nouns and verbs. The heterogeneous behavior of Spanish deverbal nominalizations empirically verified
Vol. 73Article 27Up and down the substantivization cline: response to Bekaert & Enghels
Vol. 73Article 28Wayward categorial shift: so odd an article
Vol. 73Article 29So odd an article in Danish: a reply to Van de Velde
Vol. 73Article 30Is there a pluralia tantum subcategory of nominal gerunds? Developing Gaeta's notion of morphological differentiation
Vol. 73Article 31Categorial shift and morphological differentiation
Vol. 74Article 32Pretonic alphabetic o in Present-day English
Vol. 74Article 33How to speak “geocentric” in an “egocentric” language: A multimodal study among Ngigua-Spanish bilinguals and Spanish monolinguals in a rural community of Mexico
Vol. 74Article 34On trans-derivational operations: generative semantics and tree adjoining grammar
Vol. 74Article 35Ecolinguistics of ethno-medicinal plants of the Dayak Ngaju community
Vol. 74Article 36Interlanguage: a perspective of quantitative linguistic typolog
Vol. 74Article 37Phrase structure grammars as indicative of uniquely human thoughts
Vol. 74Article 38Semantic evolution at the microscopic level: the case of suoyi
Vol. 75Article 39Ironic intentions in action and interaction
Vol. 75Article 40The rise of right periphery either in English
Vol. 75Article 41Systemic functional grammar as a tool for experimental stimulus design: new appliable horizons in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics
Vol. 75Article 42An empirical study of honorific mismatches in Korean
Vol. 75Article 43Integrating the (dialogical) sign: or who's an integrationist?
Vol. 76Article 44Linguistics as a biased discipline: Identifications and interventions
Vol. 76Article 45The Written Language Bias (WLB) in linguistics 40 years after
Vol. 76Article 46The spectator bias in the linguistic descriptions of information structure
Vol. 76Article 47Accent-induced bias in linguistic transcriptions
Vol. 76Article 48Methodological nationalism in Linguistics
Vol. 76Article 49Revisiting borders: Named languages and de-colonization
Vol. 76Article 50The politeness bias and the society of strangers
Vol. 76Article 51Biases we live by: Anglocentrism in linguistics and cognitive sciences
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