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本期推送的是International Journal of Chinese Linguistics(《国际中国语言学报》)2014-2018论文集,即第1-5卷共9期的46篇论文(暂缺8篇),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下

International Journal of Chinese Linguistics《国际中国语言学报》 2014-2018论文集(侵删)




2014Vol. 1Issue 1Article 01A new passive form in Mandarin: Its syntax and implications
2014Vol. 1Issue 1Article 02The strict-sloppy reading of reflexives and pronouns in child Mandarin
2014Vol. 1Issue 1Article 03Casual speech elision and tone sandhi in Tianjin trisyllabic sequences
2014Vol. 1Issue 1Article 04Stop codas in Old Chinese and Proto Sino-Tibetan: A lexical diffusion analysis
2014Vol. 1Issue 1Article 05When cognitive grammar meets functional grammar: Diversified interpretations of shared/similar terms in the two schools
2014Vol. 1Issue 1Article 06Kam-Fai Wong, Wenjie Li, Ruifeng Xu, & Zheng-sheng Zhang. 2010. Introduction to Chinese natural language processing
2014Vol. 1Issue 2Article 07The adjective of quantity duo ‘many/much’ and differential comparatives in Mandarin Chinese
2014Vol. 1Issue 2Article 08Left periphery and Chinese yes-no questions
2014Vol. 1Issue 2Article 09Preservation and deletion in Mandarin loanword adaptation
2014Vol. 1Issue 2Article 10The pragmatics of existential-presentative constructions in Chinese: A discourse-based study
2014Vol. 1Issue 2Article 11Humorous communication in social and political issues: A case study of a Celebrity Imitation Show
2014Vol. 1Issue 2Article 12Diachronic extension of Linguistic Inventory Mightiness: Evolution of directional resultative-verb-compounds in Chinese
2014Vol. 1Issue 2Article 13Gulbahar H. Beckett & Gerard A. Postiglione. 2011. China’s Assimilationist Language Policy: The Impact on Indigenous/Minority Literacy and Social Harmony
2015Vol. 2Issue 1Article 14Amount classifiers in Chinese and the mass/count distinction
2015Vol. 2Issue 1Article 15Indefinite article or numeral one?: A Study of iʔ5 ‘one’ in Shiposheng
2015Vol. 2Issue 1Article 16The complexity of liao ‘finish’ and its weakened form le in the Shangshui Dialect of Central Plains Mandarin, Henan Province
2015Vol. 2Issue 1Article 17The partitive construction in Mandarin Chinese
2015Vol. 2Issue 1Article 18The Location morpheme-demonstrative cycle in Wu dialects: On the lexical renewal of the demonstratives from the typological perspective
2015Vol. 2Issue 1Article 19Zhu Hua& Lixian Jin. 2012. Development of pragmatic and discourse skills in Chinese-speaking Children
2015Vol. 2Issue 1Article 20Patricia Duff, Tim Anderson, Roma Ilnyckyj, Ella VanGaya, Rachel Tianxuan Wang and Elliott Yates. 2013. Learning Chinese: linguistic, sociocultural, and narrative perspectives
2015Vol. 2Issue 2Article 21The Bound Variable Hierarchy and Donkey Anaphora in Mandarin Chinese
2015Vol. 2Issue 2Article 22Justifying silent elements in syntax: The case of a silent numeral, a silent classifier, and two silent nouns in Mandarin Chinese
2015Vol. 2Issue 2Article 23Bi-clausal sluicing approach to dislocation copying in Cantonese
2015Vol. 2Issue 2Article 24Formation of the experiential aspect marker Pat4 識: Contact-induced grammatical change in Southern Min
2015Vol. 2Issue 2Article 25中古梵漢語言接觸引發的一種語法演變 [A grammatical change triggered by contact with Sanskrit in Medieval Chinese]
2016Vol. 3Issue 1Article 26Pattern substitution in Wuxi tone sandhi and its implication for phonological learning
2016Vol. 3Issue 1Article 27Resumptivity and two types of A′‑dependencies in the Minimalist Program
2016Vol. 3Issue 1Article 28On the (non)-existence of verb-stranding ellipsis in Chinese
2016Vol. 3Issue 1Article 29Fragment answers in Mandarin Chinese
2016Vol. 3Issue 1Article 30Decomposing polysem: A structural perspective from the ka-construction in Taiwan Southern Min
2016Vol. 3Issue 1Article 31代表属性: 发音人的选择和语料有效性 [Parameters of representativeness: Subject selection and data integrity]
2016Vol. 3Issue 1Article 32Jung-yao Lu. 2013. An investigation of various linguistic changes in Chinese and Naxi
2016Vol. 3Issue 2Article 33Object expletives in Chinese and the structural theory of predication
2016Vol. 3Issue 2Article 34Chinese-style topics as indexicality
2016Vol. 3Issue 2Article 35Elastic language in TV discussion discourse: A case study of ba in Chinese
2016Vol. 3Issue 2Article 36A refutation of Song’s (2014) explanation of the ‘stop coda problem’ in Old Chinese
2016Vol. 3Issue 2Article 37古音研究的新收获 [New achievements in research on Old Chinese phonology]
2016Vol. 3Issue 2Article 38ZhaoHong Han. 2014. Studies in Second Language Acquisition of Chinese
2017Vol. 4Issue 1Article 39Chinese aspect marker -le and its acquisition by American English speakers
2017Vol. 4Issue 1Article 40Aspectual coercion: Interpretations of V-le in Mandarin Chinese
2017Vol. 4Issue 1Article 41Tense and mood marking in Xining Mandarin: An aspectual account of the particle lia
2017Vol. 4Issue 1Article 42論漢語方言的 m 聲母增生
2017Vol. 4Issue 2Article 43The emergence of e5 khuan2 个款 as a sensory evidential marker in TSM
2017Vol. 4Issue 2Article 44Mandarin associative plural -men and NPs with -men
2017Vol. 4Issue 2Article 45Three Korean transcription systems for Mandarin loanwords
2017Vol. 4Issue 2Article 46From pitch contour variation to tone change: An analysis of the phonological representations of the tones in Taiwan Mandarin
2017Vol. 4Issue 2Article 47漢語詞形韻律結構的變化與上古君王人名長度的演進
2017Vol. 4Issue 2Article 48Waltraud, Paul. 2015. New perspectives on Chinese syntax.
2018Vol. 5Issue 1Article 49The language of Chinese Buddhism: From the perspective of Chinese historical linguistics
2018Vol. 5Issue 1Article 50Bare numeral phrases in Mandarin and the Minimalist Mapping Hypothesis
2018Vol. 5Issue 1Article 51The syntax and semantics of descriptive V-de constructions: A primary predication analysis
2018Vol. 5Issue 1Article 52The morphology of Chinese disyllabic verbs
2018Vol. 5Issue 1Article 53论福州方言的粘附成分与粘附组
2018Vol. 5Issue 1Article 54Istvan Kecskes (ed.). 2017. Explorations into Chinese as a second language
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