






【限时资源,期刊全文】Journal of Child Language(《儿童语言学杂志》) 2019论文集共60篇论文(侵删)

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本期推送的是SSCI收录的权威期刊——Journal of Child Language(《儿童语言学杂志》) 2019论文集,即第46卷共6期的60篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即

Journal of Child Language(《儿童语言学杂志》) 2019论文集-共60篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 46Issue 1Article 01Children's gradient sensitivity to phonological mismatch: considering the dynamics of looking behavior and pupil dilation
Vol. 46Issue 1Article 02Acquisition of weak syllables in tonal languages: acoustic evidence from neutral tone in Mandarin Chinese
Vol. 46Issue 1Article 03A multi-group approach to examining language development in at-risk learners
Vol. 46Issue 1Article 04Verb-based prediction during language processing: the case of Dutch and Turkish
Vol. 46Issue 1Article 05Toddlers map the word ‘good’ to helping agents, but not to fair distributors
Vol. 46Issue 1Article 06Prosody perception and production by children with cochlear implants
Vol. 46Issue 1Article 07An acoustic study of lexical stress contrastivity in children with and without autism spectrum disorders
Vol. 46Issue 1Article 08The effect of neighborhood density on children's word learning in noise
Vol. 46Issue 1Article 09The acquisition of English possessives by a bilingual child: Do input and usage frequency matter?
Vol. 46Issue 1Article 10Success in learning similar-sounding words predicts vocabulary depth above and beyond vocabulary breadth
Vol. 46Issue 2Article 11Subjective ratings of age-of-acquisition: exploring issues of validity and rater reliability
Vol. 46Issue 2Article 12Acquiring a first language in adolescence: the case of basic word order in American Sign Language
Vol. 46Issue 2Article 13Exposure and feedback in language acquisition: adult construals of children's early verb-form use in Hebrew
Vol. 46Issue 2Article 14Understanding how time flies and what it means to be on cloud nine: English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners’ metaphor comprehension
Vol. 46Issue 2Article 15Bilingual phonological acquisition: the influence of language-internal, language-external, and lexical factors
Vol. 46Issue 2Article 16Metaphor processing in middle childhood and at the transition to early adolescence: the role of chronological age, mental age, and verbal intelligence
Vol. 46Issue 2Article 17Processing of unfamiliar accents in monolingual and bilingual children: effects of type and amount of accent experience
Vol. 46Issue 2Article 18Interpreting physical and mental metaphors: Is Theory of Mind associated with pragmatics in middle childhood?
Vol. 46Issue 3Article 19The syntactic and semantic features of two-year-olds’ verb vocabularies: a comparison of typically developing children and late talkers
Vol. 46Issue 3Article 20Learning speech-internal cues to pronoun interpretation from co-speech gesture: a training study
Vol. 46Issue 3Article 21How do parents of school-aged children respond to their children's extending gestures?
Vol. 46Issue 3Article 22Examining the associations between children's receptive language skills and developmental domains in the United States and Turkey
Vol. 46Issue 3Article 23Do parents provide a helping hand to vocabulary development in bilingual children?
Vol. 46Issue 3Article 24Uh and euh signal novelty for monolinguals and bilinguals: evidence from children and adults
Vol. 46Issue 3Article 25The Italian Words and Sentences MB-CDI: normative data and concordance between complete and short forms
Vol. 46Issue 3Article 26Acquiring diminutive allomorphs: taking item-specific characteristics into account
Vol. 46Issue 3Article 27Not speaking the same language: 17-month-olds shift their perception of novel labels following brief exposure to non-native language
Vol. 46Issue 3Article 28Vocal production and novel word learning in the first year
Vol. 46Issue 4Article 29Novel word learning at 21 months predicts receptive vocabulary outcomes in later childhood
Vol. 46Issue 4Article 30Speech development in preschool children: evaluating the contribution of phonological short-term and phonological working memory
Vol. 46Issue 4Article 31The development of vocabulary and grammar: a longitudinal study of European Portuguese-speaking toddlers
Vol. 46Issue 4Article 32Examination of monolingual (English) and bilingual (English/Spanish; English/Urdu) children's syntactic awareness
Vol. 46Issue 4Article 33Testing language acquisition models: null and overt topics in Mandarin
Vol. 46Issue 4Article 34Differentiating scalar implicature from exclusion inferences in language acquisition
Vol. 46Issue 4Article 35Chinese preschoolers’ acquisition of temporal adverbs indicating past, present, and future: a corpus-based study
Vol. 46Issue 4Article 36Visual sequential processing and language ability in children who are deaf or hard of hearing
Vol. 46Issue 4Article 37Exploring the association of infant receptive language and pitch variability in fathers’ infant-directed speech
Vol. 46Issue 4Article 38Appreciating language conventions: thirteen-month-old Chinese infants understand that word generalization is shared practice
Vol. 46Issue 5Article 39The development of polite stance in preschoolers: how prosody, gesture, and body cues pave the way
Vol. 46Issue 5Article 40Print exposure predicts pronoun comprehension strategies in children
Vol. 46Issue 5Article 41The moderating effect of Korean preschoolers’ receptive and expressive language skills on the link between Korean PA and English PA
Vol. 46Issue 5Article 42A longitudinal investigation of language mixing in Spanish–English dual language learners: the role of language proficiency, variability, and sociolinguistic factors
Vol. 46Issue 5Article 43The blowfish effect: children and adults use atypical exemplars to infer more narrow categories during word learning
Vol. 46Issue 5Article 44Do bilingual children lag behind? A study of morphological encoding using ERPs
Vol. 46Issue 5Article 45The development of possession in the L1 acquisition of Northern East Cree
Vol. 46Issue 5Article 46The ecology of prelinguistic vocal learning: parents simplify the structure of their speech in response to babbling
Vol. 46Issue 5Article 47Children's understanding of pronouns that differ in scope of reference
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 48Phonological selectivity in the acquisition of English clusters
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 49Preschoolers are sensitive to accent distance
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 50The root nominal stage: a case study of early Nungon verbs
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 51Lexical and grammatical development in children at family risk of dyslexia from early childhood to school entry: a cross-lagged analysis
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 52The effects of the pronoun me on dative comprehension
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 53The acquisition and use of relative clauses in Turkish-learning children's conversational interactions: a cross-linguistic approach
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 54The cross-linguistic performance of word segmentation models over time
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 55Cues for word-learning during shared book-reading and guided play in preschool
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 56Walking, pointing, talking – the predictive value of early walking and pointing behavior for later language skills
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 57Dónde está la ball? Examining the effect of code switching on bilingual children's word recognition
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 58Learning to construct sentences in Spanish: a replication of the Weird Word Order technique
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 59Do children really acquire dense neighbourhoods?
Vol. 46Issue 6Article 60Reviewers 2019
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