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本期推送的是SSCI收录的权威期刊——International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism《国际双语教育和双语杂志》2019年论文集,即第22卷共8期的78篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点

International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism《国际双语教育和双语杂志》2019论文集-共8期78篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 22Issue 1Article 01Introduction: L1 use in content-based and CLIL settings
Vol. 22Issue 1Article 02Theories of trans/languaging and trans-semiotizing: implications for content-based education classrooms
Vol. 22Issue 1Article 03‘Time for una pregunta’: understanding Spanish use and interlocutor response among young English learners in cross-age peer interactions while reading and discussing text
Vol. 22Issue 1Article 04Describing the use of the L1 in CLIL: an analysis of L1 communication strategies in classroom interaction
Vol. 22Issue 1Article 05Speaking educación in Spanish: linguistic and professional development in a bilingual teacher education program in the US-Mexico Borderlands
Vol. 22Issue 1Article 06The effect of first and second language use on question types in English medium instruction science classrooms in Hong Kong
Vol. 22Issue 1Article 07Curriculum genres and task structure as frameworks to analyse teachers’ use of L1 in CBI classrooms
Vol. 22Issue 2Article 08Language socialization and code-switching: a case study of a Korean–English bilingual child in a Korean transnational family
Vol. 22Issue 2Article 09Implementing English-medium instruction (EMI) in China: teachers’ practices and perceptions, and students’ learning motivation and needs*
Vol. 22Issue 2Article 10Principals as gatekeepers of language policy implementation in Kazan, Russia
Vol. 22Issue 2Article 11Translanguaging in Chinese foreign language classrooms: students and teachers’ attitudes and practices
Vol. 22Issue 2Article 12Translanguaging in mainstream education: a sociocultural approach
Vol. 22Issue 2Article 13Impact of early second-language acquisition on the development of first language and verbal short-term and working memory
Vol. 22Issue 2Article 14A Bourdieusian perspective on child agency in family language policy
Vol. 22Issue 2Article 15The effects of Spanish heritage language literacy on English reading for Spanish–English bilingual children in the US
Vol. 22Issue 2Article 16Simultaneous acquisition of English and Chinese impacts children’s reliance on vocabulary, morphological and phonological awareness for reading in English
Vol. 22Issue 2Article 17The bi-personal bilingual: a study of the perceived feeling of a changed self
Vol. 22Issue 2Article 18Exploring translanguaging in CLIL
Vol. 22Issue 2Article 19Effectiveness of policy development and implementation of L1-based multilingual education in Cambodia
Vol. 22Issue 3Article 20Controversies of bilingual education in China
Vol. 22Issue 3Article 21Niche market and individual practices in Tibetan language education in China: an ethnography of language policy
Vol. 22Issue 3Article 22Tibetan bilingual education in Qinghai: government policy vs family language practice
Vol. 22Issue 3Article 23Questioning and responding in the classroom: a cross-disciplinary study of the effects of instructional mediums in academic subjects at a Chinese university
Vol. 22Issue 3Article 24Translanguaging in a Chinese–English bilingual education programme: a university-classroom ethnography
Vol. 22Issue 3Article 25Individual agency in language acquisition planning for multi-dialectism: A Shanghai story
Vol. 22Issue 3Article 26Protecting language or promoting dis-citizenship? A poststructural policy analysis of the Shanghainese Heritage Project
Vol. 22Issue 3Article 27Concluding commentary: the discursive space for bilingual education programs in China
Vol. 22Issue 4Article 28A longitudinal study on the gradual cognate facilitation effect in bilingual children’s Frisian receptive vocabulary
Vol. 22Issue 4Article 29Examining the functions of L1 use through teacher and student interactions in an adult migrant English classroom
Vol. 22Issue 4Article 30Educators’ beliefs about appropriate pedagogical models for Spanish-speaking ELLs who differ in home-language and English-language literacy abilities in the United States
Vol. 22Issue 4Article 31The role of mindfulness in reducing English language anxiety among Thai college students
Vol. 22Issue 4Article 32The integration of content and language in students’ task answer production in the bilingual classroom
Vol. 22Issue 4Article 33Heteroglossic practices in a multilingual science classroom
Vol. 22Issue 4Article 34Bilingualizing linguistically homogeneous classrooms in Kenya: implications on policy, second language learning, and literacy
Vol. 22Issue 4Article 35Modelling vocabulary development among multilingual children prior to and following the transition to school entry
Vol. 22Issue 4Article 36Expression and perception of emotions by Polish–English bilinguals I love you vs. Kocham Cię
Vol. 22Issue 4Article 37Verbal and visuospatial working memory in immersion-educated bilingual children
Vol. 22Issue 4Article 38Speaking an Aboriginal language and school outcomes for Canadian First Nations children living off reserve
Vol. 22Issue 4Article 39Cross-linguistic Influence in Bilingualism: in honor of Aafke Hulk
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 40Language learning motivation and projected desire: an interview study with parents of young language learners
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 41Is early immersion effective for Aboriginal language acquisition? A case study from an Anishinaabemowin kindergarten
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 42Reaching out to migrant and refugee communities to support home language maintenance
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 43Bilingual cogito: inner speech in acculturated bilinguals
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 44Teacher agency within the Finnish CLIL context: tensions and resources
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 45Impact of task modality on collaborative dialogue among plurilingual learners: a classroom-based study
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 46Reflections on Turnbull’s reframing of foreign language education: bilingual epistemologies
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 47The translanguaging classroom: leveraging student bilingualism for learning
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 48Language, identity and migration: voices from transnational speakers and communities
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 49Pains and gains of ethnic multilingual learners in China: an ethnographic case study
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 50Linguistic diversity and social justice: an introduction of applied sociolinguistics
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 51Assessing English language learners: theory and practice
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 52Neuroscience and multilingualism
Vol. 22Issue 5Article 53Complexity in classroom foreign language learning motivation: a practitioner perspective from Japan
Vol. 22Issue 6Article 54Analysing students’ content-learning in science in CLIL vs. non-CLIL programmes: empirical evidence from Spain
Vol. 22Issue 6Article 55Awareness of language: literacy and second language learning of Spanish in Mexico
Vol. 22Issue 6Article 56The impact of oral English proficiency on humanitarian migrants’ experiences of settling in Australia
Vol. 22Issue 6Article 57Anxiety, language use and linguistic competence in an immigrant context: a vicious circle?
Vol. 22Issue 6Article 58Average change in sentence repetition by Spanish-English speaking children: kindergarten to first grade
Vol. 22Issue 6Article 59Language transmission opportunities created through video recording in the family: a microanalysis
Vol. 22Issue 6Article 60Language attitudes towards Spanish and Catalan in autochthonous and immigrant families in Catalonia: analysing the correlation between student attitudes and their parents
Vol. 22Issue 6Article 61Reported parent-teacher dialogues on child language learning: voicing agency in interview narratives
Vol. 22Issue 7Article 62Code-switching and its role in language socialization
Vol. 22Issue 7Article 63The role of working and short-term memory in predicting receptive vocabulary in monolingual and sequential bilingual children
Vol. 22Issue 7Article 64Development of the beliefs and language awareness of content subject teachers in CLIL: does professional development help?
Vol. 22Issue 7Article 65Access to English in Pakistan: inculcating prestige and leadership through instruction in elite schools
Vol. 22Issue 7Article 66The relationship between multilingual raters’ language background and their perceptions of accentedness and comprehensibility of second language speech
Vol. 22Issue 7Article 67Bilingual profiles and third language learning: the effects of the manner of learning, sequence of bilingual acquisition, and language use practices
Vol. 22Issue 7Article 68Feature variability in the bilingual-monolingual continuum: clitics in bilingual Quechua-Spanish, bilingual Shipibo-Spanish and in monolingual Limeño Spanish contact varieties
Vol. 22Issue 7Article 69WHODUNNIT? Language interaction in identification of sentential subjects in Wales and Patagonia
Vol. 22Issue 8Article 70Differences in use without deficiencies in competence: passives in the Turkish and German of Turkish heritage speakers in Germany
Vol. 22Issue 8Article 71Expansive learning in teachers’ professional development: a case study of intercultural and bilingual preschools in Chile
Vol. 22Issue 8Article 72Cross-linguistic awareness-raising practices can enhance written performance in EFL classes in Japanese universities
Vol. 22Issue 8Article 73The more similar the better? Factors in learning cognates, false cognates and non-cognate words
Vol. 22Issue 8Article 74Lexical sophistication across languages: a preliminary study of undergraduate writing in Arabic (L1) and English (L2)
Vol. 22Issue 8Article 75Role of decoding competence in the Chinese reading comprehension development of ethnic minority students in Hong Kong
Vol. 22Issue 8Article 76Understanding Chinese language teachers’ language ideologies in teaching South Asian students in Hong Kong
Vol. 22Issue 8Article 77Translanguaging in higher education: beyond monolingual ideologies
Vol. 22Issue 8Article 78The multilingual city: vitality, conflict and change
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