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本期推送的是国际前沿期刊——Journal of Linguistic Geography(《语言地理杂志》)创刊迄今的全部论文,即2013-2019共7卷50篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载(注意

Journal of Linguistic Geography(《语言地理杂志》)2013-2019共50篇论文(侵删)




2013Vol. 1Issue 1Article01Settlement patterns and the eastern boundary of the Northern Cities Shift
2013Vol. 1Issue 1Article02A multivariate spatial analysis of vowel formants in American English
2013Vol. 1Issue 1Article03Geographic information systems and perceptual dialectology: a method for processing draw-a-map data
2013Vol. 1Issue 1Article04Hickey Raymond (ed.) 2012. Areal Features of the Anglophone World Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. pp. viii+500.
2013Vol. 1Issue 2Article05Employing Geographical Principles for Sampling in State of the Art Dialectological Projects
2013Vol. 1Issue 2Article06Phonology and morphology in Dutch indefinite determiner syncretism: Spatial and quantitative perspectives
2013Vol. 1Issue 2Article07The Major Dialects of Nyamwezi and Their Relationship to Sukuma: A Time-Based Perspective
2014Vol. 2Issue 1Article08Sociophonetic analysis of phonemic trill variation in two sub-varieties of Peninsular Spanish
2014Vol. 2Issue 1Article09Linguistic Distances in Dialectometric Intensity Estimation
2014Vol. 2Issue 1Article10Computer Simulation of Dialect Feature Diffusion
2014Vol. 2Issue 2Article11/s/-Lenition and the Preservation of Plurality in Modern Occitan 
2014Vol. 2Issue 2Article12Dialect perceptions in real time: A restudy of Miami-Cuban perceptions
2014Vol. 2Issue 2Article13Northern dialect evidence for the chronology of the Great Vowel Shift
2015Vol. 3Issue 1Article14The Perceptual Categorization of Enshi Mandarin Regional Varieties
2015Vol. 3Issue 1Article15Dialect change and its consequences for the Dutch dialect landscape. How much is due to the standard variety and how much is not?
2015Vol. 3Issue 1Article16Perceptual regions in Poland: An investigation of Poznań speech perceptions
2015Vol. 3Issue 2Article17On the utility of combining production data and perceptual data to investigate regional linguistic variation: The case of Spanish experiential gustar ‘to like, to please’ on Twitter and in an online survey
2015Vol. 3Issue 2Article18The Burial Ground: A Bridge Between Language And Culture
2015Vol. 3Issue 2Article19The Plautdietsch Vowel Shift Across Space and Time
2016Vol. 4Issue 1Article20Mapping Southern American English, 1861-1865
2016Vol. 4Issue 1Article21“Subliminal accent”: Reactions to the rise of Wisconsin English
2016Vol. 4Issue 1Article22Working the Early Shift: Older Inland Northern Speech and the Beginnings of the Northern Cities Shift
2016Vol. 4Issue 2Article23Portuguese or Portuñol? Language contact in Misiones, Argentina
2016Vol. 4Issue 2Article24Regional differences in the perception of a consonant change in progress
2016Vol. 4Issue 2Article25Analyzing geospatial variation in articulation rate using crowdsourced speech data
2016Vol. 4Issue 2Article26Last, half of Upper Midwesterners ought to get into this book: Written Grammatical Variation in the US - Regional Variation in Written American English By Jack Grieve Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Pp. xi–335. ISBN 978-1-107-03247-7; $110.00 cloth ($88.00 e-book)
2017Vol. 5Issue 1Article27Folk Perception of African American English Regional Variation
2017Vol. 5Issue 1Article28Identification of regional French accents in (northern) France, Belgium, and Switzerland
2017Vol. 5Issue 1Article29Investigating geospatial models of the diffusion of morphosyntactic innovations: The Welsh strong second-person singular pronoun chdi
2017Vol. 5Issue 2Article30Mapping the linguistic landscapes of the Marshall Islands
2017Vol. 5Issue 2Article31Exploring global and local patterns in the correlation of geographic distances and morphosyntactic variation in Swiss German
2017Vol. 5Issue 2Article32A perceptual dialectological approach to linguistic variation and spatial analysis of Kurdish varieties
2017Vol. 5Issue 2Article33The relationship between label-based and speech-based perceptual evaluations: The case of Enshi Mandarin regional varieties
2018Vol. 6Issue 1Article34Dialect Contact and the Acadian French Subjunctive: A Cross-Varietal Study
2018Vol. 6Issue 1Article35Measuring language attitudes using the Personalized Implicit Association Test: A case study on regional varieties of Dutch in Belgium
2018Vol. 6Issue 1Article36Perception of speaker age and speaker origin in a sound change in progress: The case of /s/-aspiration in Andalusian Spanish
2018Vol. 6Issue 1Article37Probabilistic corpus-based dialectometry
2018Vol. 6Issue 2Article38A gradient perspective on modeling interdialectal transitions
2018Vol. 6Issue 2Article39Borders and boundaries in Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian: Twitter data to the rescue
2018Vol. 6Issue 2Article40The spread of raised (ay) and (aw) in Yami: From regional distinctiveness to ethnic identity marker
2018Vol. 6Issue 2Article41Perceptual basemaps reloaded: The role basemaps play in eliciting perceptions
2019Vol. 7Issue 1Article42On case loss and svarabhakti vowels: the sociolinguistic typology and geolinguistics of simplification in North Germanic
2019Vol. 7Issue 1Article43Maps, meanings and loanwords: The interaction of geography and semantics in lexical borrowing
2019Vol. 7Issue 1Article44When Wurst comes to Wurscht: Variation and koiné formation in Texas German
2019Vol. 7Issue 1Article45Macroregional sociolinguistics: Uses and preferences on null direct objects in Spanish
2019Vol. 7Issue 1Article46Cuban Spanish Dialectology: Variation, Contact, and Change Edited by Alejandro Cuza. Foreword by Robert M. Hammond. Georgetown Studies in Spanish Linguistics series. John M. Lipski, Series Editor. Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, 2017. pp. vii + 308 p. ISBN: 9781626165106.
2019Vol. 7Issue 2Article47Exploring syntactic variation by means of “Language Production Experiments”: Methods from and analyses on German in Austria
2019Vol. 7Issue 2Article48The influence of suburban development and metropolitan fragmentation on language variation and change: Evidence from Greater St. Louis
2019Vol. 7Issue 2Article49Debunking “pluri-areality”: On the pluricentric perspective of national varieties
2019Vol. 7Issue 2Article50Lörres, Möppes, and the Swiss. (Re)Discovering regional patterns in anonymous social media data
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彭华 世雄 福师 SARAH YU 丁丁妈妈 王晓慧 Dumuma 柔荑 陆璐 张兰 李二涛