






【限时资源,期刊全文】Language Testing(《语言测试》)2019年论文集-共36篇论文(侵删)

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本期推送的是SSCI收录的权威期刊——Language Testing(《语言测试》)2019年论文集,即第36卷1-4期共36篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内

Language Testing(《语言测试》)2019年论文集-共36篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 36Issue 1Article 01Examining sources of variability in repeaters’ L2 writing scores: The case of the PTE Academic writing section
Vol. 36Issue 1Article 02Speaking proficiency of young language students: A discourse-analytic study
Vol. 36Issue 1Article 03The effect of read-aloud assistance on the text comprehension of dyslexic and non-dyslexic English language learners
Vol. 36Issue 1Article 04Test validity in morphosyntactic measures for typical and SLI incipient Spanish–English bilinguals
Vol. 36Issue 1Article 05Developing and evaluating a computerized adaptive testing version of the Word Part Levels Test
Vol. 36Issue 1Article 06Advancing the validity argument for standardized writing tests using quantitative rhetorical analysis
Vol. 36Issue 1Article 07Book Review: Post-admission Language Assessment of University Students
Vol. 36Issue 1Article 08Book Review: Second Language Pronunciation Assessment: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Vol. 36Issue 1Article 09Book Review: Design and Validation of a Computerized Adaptive EFL Test
Vol. 36Issue 1Article 10Book Review: Evaluating Language Assessments
Vol. 36Issue 2Article 11Shaping a score: Complexity, accuracy, and fluency in integrated writing performances
Vol. 36Issue 2Article 12Detecting development of speaking proficiency with a group oral test: A quantitative analysis
Vol. 36Issue 2Article 13Factor analysis for fairness: Examining the impact of task type and examinee L1 background on scores of an ITA speaking test
Vol. 36Issue 2Article 14Comparability of students’ writing performance on TOEFL iBT and in required university writing courses
Vol. 36Issue 2Article 15The impact of national standardized literacy and numeracy testing on children and teaching staff in remote Australian Indigenous communities
Vol. 36Issue 2Article 16Measuring English language proficiency across subgroups: Using score equity assessment to evaluate test fairness
Vol. 36Issue 2Article 17Book Review: Invariant Measurement with Raters and Rating Scales: Rasch Models for Rater-Mediated Assessments
Vol. 36Issue 2Article 18The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC®)
Vol. 36Issue 3Article 19The role of foreign language anxiety on L2 utterance fluency during a final exam
Vol. 36Issue 3Article 20Language assessment literacy in university admission policies, or the dialogue that isn’t
Vol. 36Issue 3Article 21Patterns of variation in the interplay of language ability and general reading comprehension ability in L2 reading
Vol. 36Issue 3Article 22Student self-assessment of oral explanations: Use of language learning progressions
Vol. 36Issue 3Article 23A generalizability theory study of optimal measurement design for a summative assessment of English/Chinese consecutive interpreting
Vol. 36Issue 3Article 24Using the ACTFL OPIc to assess proficiency and monitor progress in a tertiary foreign languages program
Vol. 36Issue 3Article 25ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview – computer (OPIc)
Vol. 36Issue 4Article 26The effect of training and rater differences on oral proficiency assessment
Vol. 36Issue 4Article 27The impact of pre-task planning on speaking test performance for English-medium university admission
Vol. 36Issue 4Article 28Reference to a past learning event as a practice of informal formative assessment in L2 classroom interaction
Vol. 36Issue 4Article 29Cloze testing for comprehension assessment: The HyTeC-cloze
Vol. 36Issue 4Article 30Critical language awareness for the heritage context: Development and validation of a measurement questionnaire
Vol. 36Issue 4Article 31A nonparametric procedure for exploring differences in rating quality across test-taker subgroups in rater-mediated writing assessments
Vol. 36Issue 4Article 32An evidence-based review of Celpe-Bras: The exam for certification of proficiency in Portuguese as a foreign language
Vol. 36Issue 4Article 33Book Review: Understanding and Investigating Response Processes in Validation Research
Vol. 36Issue 4Article 34Book Review: Assessment in Second Language Pronunciation
Vol. 36Issue 4Article 35Book Review: Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers
Vol. 36Issue 4Article 36Book Review: Assessment in the Language Classroom: Teachers Supporting Student Learning
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