【每日期刊】Language Resources and Evaluation《语言资源与评价》2021年第55卷第1期-共13篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Language Resources and Evaluation《语言资源与评价》最新一期、即2021年第55卷第1期的13篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Language Resources and Evaluation《语言资源与评价》2021年第55卷第1期-共13篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 特辑 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Introduction | Ide & Calzolari | Introduction to the Special Issue: Selected papers from LREC 2018 |
02 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Article | Lango et al. | Semi-automatic construction of word-formation networks |
03 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Article | Avinesh et al. | Live blog summarization |
04 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Article | Futrell et al. | The Natural Stories corpus: a reading-time corpus of English texts containing rare syntactic constructions |
05 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Article | Moran et al. | Investigating diachronic trends in phonological inventories using BDPROTO |
06 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Article | Kulahcioglu & de Melo | Semantics-aware typographical choices via affective associations |
07 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Article | Wiedemann & Heyer | Multi-modal page stream segmentation with convolutional neural networks |
08 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Article | Broux et al. | Evaluating human corrections in a computer-assisted speaker diarization system |
09 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Article | Woisard et al. | C2SI corpus: a database of speech disorder productions to assess intelligibility and quality of life in head and neck cancers |
10 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Article | Trippel & Zinn | Lessons learned: on the challenges of migrating a research data repository from a research institution to a university library |
11 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Article | Woliński & Hajnicz | Składnica: a constituency treebank of Polish harmonised with the Walenty valency dictionary |
12 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Article | Brixey & Artstein | ChoCo: a multimodal corpus of the Choctaw language |
13 | LREC 2018: Selected Papers | Article | Del Gratta et al. | The LRE Map: what does it tell us about the last decade of our field? |
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