【限时资源,期刊全文】Applied Linguistics Review(《应用语言学评论》)2019年论文集(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI收录的权威期刊——Applied Linguistics Review(《应用语言学评论》)2019年论文集,即第10卷第1-4期共34篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链
Applied Linguistics Review(《应用语言学评论》)2019年论文集-共34篇论文(侵删)
卷号 | 期号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 01 | Deaf and hearing signers’ multimodal and translingual practices: Editorial |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 02 | Task-response times, facilitating and inhibiting factors in cross-signing |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 03 | Translanguaging in Yucatec Maya signing communities |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 04 | Deaf people with “no language”: Mobility and flexible accumulation in languaging practices of deaf people in Cambodia |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 05 | Conscious artistic translanguaging onstage |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 06 | Effects of two forms of concept mapping on L2 reading comprehension and strategy awareness |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 07 | Exploring the effects of school context on Chinese students’ use of language learning strategies in English learning |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 08 | Language choice, identity and social distance: Ethnic minority students in Vietnam |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 09 | Linguistic precariat: Judith Butler’s ‘rethinking vulnerability and resistance’ as a useful perspective for applied linguistics |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 10 | Multi-modal language input: A learned superadditive effect |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 11 | Word knowledge in academic literacy skills among collegiate ESL learners |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 12 | Integrating Linguistic Theory and Experimentation in L2 Acquisition: Learning of Spanish Differential Object Marking by Portuguese and English speakers |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 13 | Pinpointing the role of the native language in L2 learning: Acquisition of spatial prepositions in English by Russian and Turkish native speakers |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 14 | Rethinking perceptions of fluency |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 15 | Introduction |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 16 | Is Dutch Straattaal a mixed multiethnolect? A Moroccan perspective |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 17 | A dutch multiethnolect? Metalinguistic commentary from Gouda |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 18 | Gender-related online metalinguistic comments on Straattaal and Moroccan Flavored Dutch in the Moroccan heritage community in the Netherlands |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 19 | Ostracizing linguistic forms through metalinguistic comments: The case of ge-dikmek-t |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 20 | Metalinguistic comments and multilingual awareness: Estonian-Russian language contacts in blogs |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 21 | Hybrid language practices on Turkey’s national Kurdish television station: Iconic perspectives on form |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 22 | Effects of age and education on variable but native heritage grammars: Theoretical and empirical implications for the Null Subject Parameter |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 23 | Interpreting mood choice effects in L2 and L1 Spanish: empirical evidence and theoretical implications |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 24 | Does empirical data from bilingual and native Spanish corpora meet linguistic theory? The role of discourse context in variation of subject expression |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 25 | English for sale: Using race to create value in the Korean ELT market |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 26 | Language tests and neoliberalism in “global human resource” development: A case of Japanese Universities |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 27 | A mixed methods study of “English Corners” funded by the Taiwan Ministry of Education “Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence of Universities” |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 28 | Questions about CLIL which are unfortunately still not outdated: A reply to Pérez-Cañado |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 29 | Effects of recasts and form-focused instruction on the acquisition of novel vocabulary |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 30 | A translanguaging view of the linguistic system of bilinguals |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 31 | The relationship between English proficiency and humour appreciation among English L1 users and Chinese L2 users of English |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 32 | Beyond ‘(non) native-speakerism’: Being or becoming a native-speaker teacher of English |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 33 | “So, why do you sign?” Deaf and hearing new signers, their motivation, and revitalisation policies for sign languages |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 34 | Microaggressions as speech acts: Using pragmatics to define and develop a research agenda for microaggressions |
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