【限时资源,特辑全文】Journal of Phonetics《语音学杂志》特辑:Speech Reduction《语音弱化》17篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Phonetics《语音学杂志》的一期特辑——Speech Reduction《语音弱化》,共有17篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起
Journal of Phonetics《语音学杂志》特辑:Speech Reduction《语音弱化》17篇论文(侵删)
特辑 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Speech Reduction | Article 01 | An introduction to reduced pronunciation variants |
Speech Reduction | Article 02 | Quantifying temporal speech reduction in French using forced speech alignment |
Speech Reduction | Article 03 | Vowel reduction in conversational speech in French: The role of lexical factors |
Speech Reduction | Article 04 | Phonetic reduction versus phonological deletion of French schwa: Some methodological issues |
Speech Reduction | Article 05 | Phonetic reduction and informational redundancy in self-initiated self-repair in Dutch |
Speech Reduction | Article 06 | Recognizing reduced forms: Different processing mechanisms for similar reductions |
Speech Reduction | Article 07 | Exploring the role of exposure frequency in recognizing pronunciation variants |
Speech Reduction | Article 08 | The effect of reduction on the processing of flaps and /g/ in isolated words |
Speech Reduction | Article 09 | Perception of phonetic detail in the identification of highly reduced words |
Speech Reduction | Article 10 | The roles of bottom-up and top-down information in the recognition of reduced speech: Evidence from listeners with normal and impaired hearing |
Speech Reduction | Article 11 | Communicatively driven versus prosodically driven hyper-articulation in Korean |
Speech Reduction | Article 12 | Acoustic correlates of primary and secondary stress in North American English |
Speech Reduction | Article 13 | The effect of dynamic fundamental frequency on the perception of duration |
Speech Reduction | Article 14 | Effects of the distribution of acoustic cues on infants’ perception of sibilants |
Speech Reduction | Article 15 | Articulation of the Kagayanen interdental approximant: An ultrasound study |
Speech Reduction | Article 16 | Articulatory factors influencing regressive place assimilation across word boundaries in German |
Speech Reduction | Article 17 | On place assimilation in sibilant sequences—Comparing French and English |
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