【每日期刊】Internet Pragmatics《互联网语用学》2020年论文集-共17篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是新兴期刊——Internet Pragmatics《互联网语用学》2020年论文集、即第3卷第1-2期共17篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Internet Pragmatics《互联网语用学》2020年论文集-共17篇论文(侵删)
期号 | 序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
1 | 01 | Article | Reiter & Frohlich | A pragmatics of intimacy |
1 | 02 | Article | Zhang & Tseng | Attitudes towards elastic language in Australian online healthcare information |
1 | 03 | Article | van den Heerik et al. | Thinking out of the box |
1 | 04 | Article | Donlan | Constructing authorial pseudonyms and authorial identity in online fanfiction communities |
1 | 05 | Review | Xie | Mariza Georgalou. Discourse and Identity on Facebook |
1 | 06 | Review | Schmitt | Matteo Farina. Facebook and conversation analysis |
1 | 07 | Review | Kováčová | Michele Zappavigna. 2018. Searchable talk: Hashtags and social media metadiscourse |
1 | 08 | Review | Haberland | Jan Blommaert. Durkheim and the Internet: On Sociolinguistics and the Sociological Imagination |
2 | 01 | Article | Xie | The pragmatics of internet memes |
2 | 02 | Article | Xie | Internet memes we live by (and die by) |
2 | 03 | Article | Piata | Stylistic humor across modalities |
2 | 04 | Article | Wiggins | Memes and the media narrative |
2 | 05 | Article | Diedrichsen | On the interaction of core and emergent common ground in Internet memes |
2 | 06 | Article | Jiang & Vásquez | Exploring local meaning-making resources |
2 | 07 | Article | Kirner-Ludwig | Internet memes as multilayered re-contextualization vehicles in lay-political online discourse |
2 | 08 | Review | Diedrichsen | Bradley E. Wiggins. The discursive power of memes in digital culture: Ideology, semiotics and intertextuality |
2 | 09 | Review | Li | Anastasia Denisova. Internet Memes and Society: Social, Cultural and Political Contexts |
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