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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Language Resources and Evaluation《语言资源和评价》2019年论文集,即第53卷1-4期共33篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天

Language Resources and Evaluation《语言资源和评价》2019年论文集-共33篇论文(侵删)



Vol. 53Issue 1Article 01ShEMO: a large-scale validated database for Persian speech emotion detection
Vol. 53Issue 1Article 02Developing a Thai emotional speech corpus from Lakorn (EMOLA)
Vol. 53Issue 1Article 03VERTa: a linguistic approach to automatic machine translation evaluation
Vol. 53Issue 1Article 04Searching for musical features using natural language queries: the C@merata evaluations at MediaEval
Vol. 53Issue 1Article 05FinnTransFrame: translating frames in the FinnFrameNet project
Vol. 53Issue 1Article 06Simplicity matters: user evaluation of the Slovene reference corpus
Vol. 53Issue 1Article 07MadSex: collecting a spoken corpus of indirectly elicited sexual concepts
Vol. 53Issue 2Article 08Special issue: selected papers from LREC 2016
Vol. 53Issue 2Article 09The DialogBank: dialogues with interoperable annotations
Vol. 53Issue 2Article 10SenseDefs: a multilingual corpus of semantically annotated textual definitions
Vol. 53Issue 2Article 11Applying data mining and machine learning techniques for sentiment shifter identification
Vol. 53Issue 2Article 12The Spoken Wikipedia Corpus collection: Harvesting, alignment and an application to hyperlistening
Vol. 53Issue 3Article 13Urdu part of speech tagging using conditional random fields
Vol. 53Issue 3Article 14On the use of character n-grams as the only intrinsic evidence of plagiarism
Vol. 53Issue 3Article 15A word sense disambiguation corpus for Urdu
Vol. 53Issue 3Article 16Emilia: a speech corpus for Argentine Spanish text to speech synthesis
Vol. 53Issue 3Article 17Air traffic control communication (ATCC) speech corpora and their use for ASR and TTS development
Vol. 53Issue 3Article 18Constructing two vietnamese corpora and building a lexical database
Vol. 53Issue 3Article 19PreMOn: LODifing linguistic predicate models
Vol. 53Issue 3Article 20Automatic detection and correction of discourse marker errors made by Spanish native speakers in Portuguese academic writing
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 21Language technology for digital humanities: introduction to the special issue
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 22Computational text analysis within the Humanities: How to combine working practices from the contributing fields?
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 23Dialogue analysis: a case study on the New Testament
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 24Vector space explorations of literary language
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 25Geoparsing historical and contemporary literary text set in the City of Edinburgh
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 26Token-based spelling variant detection in Middle Low German texts
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 27Beyond lexical frequencies: using R for text analysis in the digital humanities
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 28Digitising Swiss German: how to process and study a polycentric spoken language
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 29Studying the history of the Arabic language: language technology and a large-scale historical corpus
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 30Historical corpora meet the digital humanities: the Jerusalem Corpus of Emergent Modern Hebrew
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 31From 0 to 10 million annotated words: part-of-speech tagging for Middle High German
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 32Exploiting languages proximity for part-of-speech tagging of three French regional languages
Vol. 53Issue 4Article 33Approaching terminological ambiguity in cross-disciplinary communication as a word sense induction task: a pilot study

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