【限时资源,期刊全文】Language Resources and Evaluation《语言资源和评价》2019年论文集-共33篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Language Resources and Evaluation《语言资源和评价》2019年论文集,即第53卷1-4期共33篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天
Language Resources and Evaluation《语言资源和评价》2019年论文集-共33篇论文(侵删)
卷号 | 期号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Vol. 53 | Issue 1 | Article 01 | ShEMO: a large-scale validated database for Persian speech emotion detection |
Vol. 53 | Issue 1 | Article 02 | Developing a Thai emotional speech corpus from Lakorn (EMOLA) |
Vol. 53 | Issue 1 | Article 03 | VERTa: a linguistic approach to automatic machine translation evaluation |
Vol. 53 | Issue 1 | Article 04 | Searching for musical features using natural language queries: the C@merata evaluations at MediaEval |
Vol. 53 | Issue 1 | Article 05 | FinnTransFrame: translating frames in the FinnFrameNet project |
Vol. 53 | Issue 1 | Article 06 | Simplicity matters: user evaluation of the Slovene reference corpus |
Vol. 53 | Issue 1 | Article 07 | MadSex: collecting a spoken corpus of indirectly elicited sexual concepts |
Vol. 53 | Issue 2 | Article 08 | Special issue: selected papers from LREC 2016 |
Vol. 53 | Issue 2 | Article 09 | The DialogBank: dialogues with interoperable annotations |
Vol. 53 | Issue 2 | Article 10 | SenseDefs: a multilingual corpus of semantically annotated textual definitions |
Vol. 53 | Issue 2 | Article 11 | Applying data mining and machine learning techniques for sentiment shifter identification |
Vol. 53 | Issue 2 | Article 12 | The Spoken Wikipedia Corpus collection: Harvesting, alignment and an application to hyperlistening |
Vol. 53 | Issue 3 | Article 13 | Urdu part of speech tagging using conditional random fields |
Vol. 53 | Issue 3 | Article 14 | On the use of character n-grams as the only intrinsic evidence of plagiarism |
Vol. 53 | Issue 3 | Article 15 | A word sense disambiguation corpus for Urdu |
Vol. 53 | Issue 3 | Article 16 | Emilia: a speech corpus for Argentine Spanish text to speech synthesis |
Vol. 53 | Issue 3 | Article 17 | Air traffic control communication (ATCC) speech corpora and their use for ASR and TTS development |
Vol. 53 | Issue 3 | Article 18 | Constructing two vietnamese corpora and building a lexical database |
Vol. 53 | Issue 3 | Article 19 | PreMOn: LODifing linguistic predicate models |
Vol. 53 | Issue 3 | Article 20 | Automatic detection and correction of discourse marker errors made by Spanish native speakers in Portuguese academic writing |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 21 | Language technology for digital humanities: introduction to the special issue |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 22 | Computational text analysis within the Humanities: How to combine working practices from the contributing fields? |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 23 | Dialogue analysis: a case study on the New Testament |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 24 | Vector space explorations of literary language |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 25 | Geoparsing historical and contemporary literary text set in the City of Edinburgh |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 26 | Token-based spelling variant detection in Middle Low German texts |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 27 | Beyond lexical frequencies: using R for text analysis in the digital humanities |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 28 | Digitising Swiss German: how to process and study a polycentric spoken language |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 29 | Studying the history of the Arabic language: language technology and a large-scale historical corpus |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 30 | Historical corpora meet the digital humanities: the Jerusalem Corpus of Emergent Modern Hebrew |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 31 | From 0 to 10 million annotated words: part-of-speech tagging for Middle High German |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 32 | Exploiting languages proximity for part-of-speech tagging of three French regional languages |
Vol. 53 | Issue 4 | Article 33 | Approaching terminological ambiguity in cross-disciplinary communication as a word sense induction task: a pilot study |
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