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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Communication Disorders Quarterly《沟通障碍季刊》2019年论文集,即第40卷1-4期共25篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内

Communication Disorders Quarterly《沟通障碍季刊》2019年论文集-共25篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 40Issue 2Article 01Statewide Alternate Reading Assessment of Students Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing With Additional Disabilities
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 02Disciplinary Literacy: Virginia School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists’ Knowledge and Confidence
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 03Communication Between Spanish-Speaking Mothers and Their Children With Hearing Loss Who Use ASL
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 04Results of a Voice-Related Survey of Physical Education Student Teachers
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 05The Ability of Five Children With Developmental Language Disorder to Describe Mental States in Stories
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 06Treating Expressive Affective Prosody in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 07Incorporating a Mindfulness Meditation Exercise Into a Stuttering Treatment Program
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 08Speech-Language Pathologists’ Use of Language Interpreters With Linguistically Diverse Clients: A Nationwide Survey Study
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 09Parent Perceptions of Barriers to Friendship Development for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 10Comparing iPad® and Paper Assessments for Children With ASD: An Initial Study
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 11An American Professor in Armenia: Reflections on Special Education, Speech-Language Pathology, and University Teaching
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 12Cross-Age Peer E-Mentoring to Support Social Media Use: A New Focus for Intervention Research
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 13Augmentative and Alternative Communication Service by Speech–Language Pathologists in Taiwan
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 14The Effects of a Choral Singing Intervention on Speech Characteristics in Individuals With Parkinson’s Disease: An Exploratory Study
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 15A Survey of Speech Sound Productions in Children With Visual Impairments
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 16The Process Density Index as a Measure of Phonological Development: Data From Dutch
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 17School-Year Grammatical Development in Narrative Retells: Spanish-English Dual Language Learners
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 18Identifying Culturally Consistent Early Interventions for Latino Caregivers
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 19Law Enforcement Interactions: The Role of Communication Sciences and Disorders Professionals
Vol. 41Issue 1Article 20Using Audio Prompting to Assist Monolingual Speech-Language Pathologists to Teach English–Spanish Vocabulary to English Learners
Vol. 41Issue 1Article 21Increasing Engagement of Children Who Are DHH During Parent–Child Storybook Reading
Vol. 41Issue 1Article 22Examination of Creative Abilities of Preschool Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment (SLI)
Vol. 41Issue 1Article 23Assessment of Communication in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in South India: Influence of Environment
Vol. 41Issue 1Article 24Effectiveness of Preschool-Wide Teacher-Implemented Phoneme Awareness and Letter-Sound Knowledge Instruction on Code-Based School-Entry Reading Readiness
Vol. 41Issue 1Article 25Parent Report of Communication Skills of Jamaican Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study
  • 编      辑
Li 卜木 赵肖非 庄会彬 丁丁妈妈 王晓慧 hong 金英姬 Lucas 王旭