【限时资源,特辑全文】Language and Cognition《语言与认知》特辑:Cognitive Linguistics and Interactional Discourse《认知科学和互动话语》(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI权威期刊——Language and Cognition《语言与认知》特辑:Cognitive Linguistics and Interactional Discourse《认知科学和互动话语》,共5篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末
Language and Cognition《语言与认知》特辑:
Cognitive Linguistics and Interactional Discourse《认知科学和互动话语》-共5篇论文(侵删)
特辑 | 卷号 | 期号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Cognitive Linguistics and Interactional Discourse | Vol. 7 | Issue 4 | Article01 | Cognitive Linguistics and interactional discourse: time to enter into dialogue |
Cognitive Linguistics and Interactional Discourse | Vol. 7 | Issue 4 | Article02 | Spoken language usage events |
Cognitive Linguistics and Interactional Discourse | Vol. 7 | Issue 4 | Article03 | Local meaning-negotiation, activity types, and the current-discourse-space model |
Cognitive Linguistics and Interactional Discourse | Vol. 7 | Issue 4 | Article04 | What you see is what you do: on the relationship between gaze and gesture in multimodal alignment |
Cognitive Linguistics and Interactional Discourse | Vol. 7 | Issue 4 | Article05 | Conversation, Construction Grammar, and cognition |
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