【限时资源,期刊全文】Research on Language and Social Interaction《语言与社会互动研究》2019年论文集(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Research on Language and Social Interaction《语言与社会互动研究》2019年论文集,共24篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天
Research on Language and Social Interaction《语言与社会互动研究》2019年论文集(侵删)
卷号 | 期号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Vol. 52 | Issue 1 | Artcle01 | Well-Prefacing in the Organization of Self-Initiated Repair |
Vol. 52 | Issue 1 | Artcle02 | Multimodal Demonstrations of Understanding of Visible, Imagined, and Tactile Objects in Guided Tours |
Vol. 52 | Issue 1 | Artcle03 | Complaining About Others at Work |
Vol. 52 | Issue 1 | Artcle04 | Problem Presentation of Injury During Triage in Emergency Care |
Vol. 52 | Issue 2 | Artcle05 | Task-Completing Assessments in Service Encounters |
Vol. 52 | Issue 2 | Artcle06 | Tte Yuu Ka as a Repair Preface in Japanese |
Vol. 52 | Issue 2 | Artcle07 | Forms of Participation in a Mental Health Care Consultation with a Nonpresent Interpreter |
Vol. 52 | Issue 2 | Artcle08 | Subversive Completions: Turn-Taking Resources for Commandeering the Recipient’s Action in Progress |
Vol. 52 | Issue 2 | Artcle09 | Das Heißt (“That Means”) for Formulations and Du Meinst (“You Mean”) for Repair? Interpretations of Prior Speakers’ Turns in German |
Vol. 52 | Issue 2 | Artcle10 | Interaction at the Boundaries of a World Known in Common: Initiating Repair with “What Do You Mean?” |
Vol. 52 | Issue 3 | Artcle11 | Conversation Analysis and Telephone Helplines for Health and Illness: A Narrative Review |
Vol. 52 | Issue 3 | Artcle12 | Classroom Interaction Research: The State of the Art |
Vol. 52 | Issue 3 | Artcle13 | Inside the Emergency Service Call-Center: Reviewing Thirty Years of Language and Social Interaction Research |
Vol. 52 | Issue 3 | Artcle14 | Conversation Analysis and Online Interaction |
Vol. 52 | Issue 3 | Artcle15 | Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy: Identifying Transformative Sequences |
Vol. 52 | Issue 3 | Artcle16 | Atypical Interaction: Conversation Analysis and Communicative Impairments |
Vol. 52 | Issue 3 | Artcle17 | Conversation Analysis of Communication in Medical Care: Description and Beyond |
Vol. 52 | Issue 4 | Artcle18 | Disjunctively Positioned Problem-Noticings in Managing Multiactivity |
Vol. 52 | Issue 4 | Artcle19 | How Hand Gestures Contribute to Action Ascription |
Vol. 52 | Issue 4 | Artcle20 | At the Interface of Grammar and the Body: Chais pas (“dunno”) as a Resource for Dealing with Lack of Recipient Response |
Vol. 52 | Issue 4 | Artcle21 | When Someone Other than the Addressed Recipient Speaks Next: Three Kinds of Intervening Action After the Selection of Next Speaker |
Vol. 52 | Issue 4 | Artcle22 | How to Disengage: Suspension, Body Torque, and Repair |
Vol. 52 | Issue 4 | Artcle23 | Disjunctively Positioned Problem-Noticings in Managing Multiactivity |
Vol. 52 | Issue 4 | Artcle24 | Turning the Passer-by into a Customer: Multi-party Encounters at a Market Stall |
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