【每日期刊】Reading and Writing《阅读与写作》2020年第33卷第7期-共10篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Reading and Writing《阅读与写作》最新一期、即2020年第33卷第7期的10篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载。
Reading and Writing《阅读与写作》2020年第33卷第7期-共10篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Editorial | Arciuli | Introduction to ARWA special issue |
02 | Article | Yang et al. | Longitudinal associations of phonological processing skills, Chinese word reading, and arithmetic |
03 | Article | Liu & Liu | Morphological awareness and orthographic awareness link Chinese writing to reading comprehension |
04 | Article | Chung et al. | Contributions of executive functioning to Chinese and English reading comprehension in Chinese adolescent readers with dyslexia |
05 | Article | Zhang et al. | How does home literacy environment influence reading comprehension in Chinese? Evidence from a 3-year longitudinal study |
06 | Article | Mohseni & McBride | What explains reading and dictation in Persian among Iranian second grade students? |
07 | Article | Cho et al. | Effective teaching instructions for Hangul learning among Korean kindergartners |
08 | Article | Shenoy et al. | Factors that influence reading acquisition in L2 english for students in Bangalore, India |
09 | Article | Yin et al. | Decisions about consonant doubling among non-native speakers of English: graphotactic and phonological influences |
10 | Article | O’Brien et al. | Cross-lag analysis of early reading and spelling development for bilinguals learning English and Asian scripts |
11 | Correction | Saiegh-Haddad | Correction to: Phonological awareness in Arabic: the role of phonological distance, phonological-unit size, and SES |
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