【每日期刊】Bilingualism: Language and Cognition《双语:语言与认知》2020年第23卷第4期-共20篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Bilingualism: Language and Cognition《双语:语言与认知》最新一期、即2020年第23卷第4期的20篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition《双语:语言与认知》2020年第23卷第4期-共20篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 特辑 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Introduction | Dong & Li | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing |
02 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Amos & Pickering | A theory of prediction in simultaneous interpreting |
03 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Dong & Li | Attentional control in interpreting: A model of language control and processing control |
04 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | García et al. | Taxing the bilingual mind: Effects of simultaneous interpreting experience on verbal and executive mechanisms |
05 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Hervais-Adelman & Babcock | The neurobiology of simultaneous interpreting: Where extreme language control and cognitive control intersect |
06 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Lozano-Argüelles et al. | Slowly but surely: Interpreting facilitates L2 morphological anticipation based on suprasegmental and segmental information |
07 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Mårtensson et al. | White matter microstructure predicts foreign language learning in army interpreters |
08 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Nour et al. | Adaptive control in interpreters: Assessing the impact of training and experience on working memory |
09 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Tiselius & Sneed | Gaze and eye movement in dialogue interpreting: An eye-tracking study |
10 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Zheng et al. | Language selection contributes to intrusion errors in speaking: Evidence from picture naming |
11 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Long et al. | Understudied factors contributing to variability in cognitive performance related to language learning |
12 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Higby et al. | The effect of second-language vocabulary on word retrieval in the native language |
13 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Castilla-Earls | Vulnerability of clitics and articles to bilingual effects in typically developing Spanish–English bilingual children |
14 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Vanlangendonck et al. | Mixing the stimulus list in bilingual lexical decision turns cognate facilitation effects into mirrored inhibition effects |
15 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Schneider et al. | Complexity matching and lexical matching in monolingual and bilingual conversations |
16 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Miller & Rothman | Monolinguals and bilinguals respond differently to a delayed matching-to-sample task: An ERP study |
17 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Morrison et al. | You win some, you lose some: Comprehension and event-related potential evidence for L1 attrition |
18 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Vender et al. | How do bilingual dyslexic and typically developing children perform in nonword repetition? Evidence from a study on Italian L2 children |
19 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Nayak & Tarullo | Error-related negativity (ERN) and ‘hot’ executive function in bilingual and monolingual preschoolers |
20 | Interpreting: A window into bilingual processing | Article | Hofweber et al. | How different code-switching types modulate bilinguals’ executive functions: A dual control mode perspective |
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