【限时资源,期刊全文】Journal of Historical Linguistics《历史语言学杂志》2019年论文集-共15篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Historical Linguistics《历史语言学杂志》2019年论文集、即第9卷第1-3期共15篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三
Journal of Historical Linguistics《历史语言学杂志》2019年论文集-共15篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 论文题目 |
01 | Introduction | Kalyan et al. | Problems with, and alternatives to, the tree model in historical linguistics |
02 | Articles | Verkerk | Detecting non-tree-like signal using multiple tree topologies |
03 | Articles | Elias | Visualizing the Boni dialectswith Historical Glottometry |
04 | Articles | Daniels et al. | Subgrouping the Sogeram languages: A critical appraisal of Historical Glottometry |
05 | Articles | Jacques & List | Save the trees: Why we need tree models in linguistic reconstruction (and when we should apply them) |
06 | Commentary | Kalyan & François | When the waves meet the trees: A response to Jacques and List |
01 | Articles | McWhorter | The radically isolating languages of Flores: A challenge to diachronic theory |
02 | Articles | Krasnoukhaova & van der Auwera | Negation in Kulina: A double polarity swap |
03 | Articles | Korn | Isoglosses and subdivisions of Iranian |
04 | Articles | O'Hagan | The origin of purpose clause markers in Proto-Omagua-Kukama |
01 | Editorial | / | Editor’s corner |
02 | Articles | Brody | Morphological exceptionality and pathways of change |
03 | Articles | Rybka & Michael | A privative derivational source for standard negation in Lokono (Arawakan) |
04 | Articles | Carnicero | Diachrony of code switching stages in medieval business accounts: The Mercers’ livery company of London |
05 | Review | Inglese | Carlotta Viti. Variation und Wandel in der Syntax der alten indogermanischen Sprachen |
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