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LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 01Special Issue on Indigenous Languages: Introduction
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 02Ingush ˀa: The elusive Type 5 clitic?
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 03The semantics of gender in Mayali: Partially parallel systems and formal implementation
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 04Explaining final obstruent voicing in Lezgian: Phonetics and history
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 05Iterative footing and prominence-driven stress in Nanti (Kampa)
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 06Madurese prolepsis and its implications for a typology of raising
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 07Problems for the pronominal argument hypothesis in Maliseet-Passamaquoddy
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 08The verbs for ‘and’ in Walman, a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 09Reconstruction of morphosyntactic function: Nonspatial usage of spatial case marking in Tsezic
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 10Malagasy backward object control
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 11Perception of exuberant exponence in Batsbi: Functional or incidental?
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 12Modals without scales
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 13Subjects in Acehnese and the nature of the passive
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 14Tonosyntax and reference restriction in Dogon NPs
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 15The role of multiple sources in the formation of an innovative auxiliary category in Light Warlpiri, a new Australian mixed language
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 16Transitivity and polysynthesis in Fijian
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 17Statistical insensitivity in the acquisition of Tsez noun classes
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 18Distributive numerals and distance distributivity in Tlingit (and beyond)
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 19Negation and nominalization in Kusunda
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 20Invariance in argument realization: The case of Iroquoian
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 21Patterns of contrast in phonological change: Evidence from Algonquian vowel systems
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 22Modally hybrid grammar?: Celestial pointing for time-of-day reference in Nheengatú
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 23Repair organization in Chinantec whistled speech
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 24Seri verb classes: Morphosyntactic motivation and morphological autonomy
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 25Dementia and grammar in a polysynthetic language: An Arapaho case study
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 26Extraction and licensing in Toba Batak
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 27From possessor agreement to object marking in the evolution of the Udmurt -jez suffix: A grammaticalization approach to morpheme syncretism
LanguageVol. 95Issue S1Article 28A unified account of conditioned phonological alternations: Evidence from Guébie
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 29The speaker-addressee relation at the syntax-semantics interface
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 30Pragmatics and the social life of the English definite article
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 31Prosody, focus, and ellipsis in Irish
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 32Expressive updates, much?
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 33Implicit control crosslinguistically
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 34Arrested development: Case attraction as a transitional stage from Old Icelandic demonstrative to relative sá
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 35Generative linguistics and neural networks at 60: Foundation, friction, and fusion
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 36No integration without structured representations: Response to Pater
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 37Generative grammar, neural networks, and the implementational mapping problem: Response to Pater
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 38What can linguistics and deep learning contribute to each other? Response to Pater
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 39Fusion is great, and interpretable fusion could be exciting for theory generation: Response to Pater
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 40A case for deep learning in semantics: Response to Pater
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 41No free lunch in linguistics or machine learning: Response to Pater
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 42The effect of allophonic processes on word recognition: Eye-tracking evidence from Canadian raising
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 43Sign language endangerment and linguistic diversity
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 44Tone: The present state and future potential
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 45Spontaneous spoken English: An integrated approach to the emergent grammar of speech by Alexander Haselow (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 46Motion and the English verb: A diachronic study by Judith Huber (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 47Quantitative historical linguistics_ A corpus framework by Gard B. Jenset and Barbara McGillivray (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 1Article 48Borrowing: Loanwords in the speech community and in the grammar by Shana Poplack (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 49Language change across the lifespan: Three trajectory types
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 50The noun-verb distinction in established and emergent sign systems
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 51Children’s sensitivity to phonological and semantic cues during noun class learning: Evidence for a phonological bias
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 52Birth of a contact language did not favor simplification
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 53A quantitative-theoretical analysis of syntactic microvariation: Word order in Dutch verb clusters
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 54Testifying while black: An experimental study of court reporter accuracy in transcription of African American English
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 55Metrical structure and sung rhythm of the Hausa rajaz
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 56Linguistics in middle school: Incorporating linguistics into project-based learning
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 57Field stations for linguistic research: A blueprint of a sustainable model
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 58Advances in Italian dialectology: Sketches of Italo-Romance grammars ed. by Roberta D’Alessandro, Diego Pescarini (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 59Talking Indian: Identity and language revitalization in the Chickasaw renaissance by Jenny L. Davis (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 60Propositional content by Peter Hanks (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 61Micro-change and macro-change in diachronic syntax ed. by Éric Mathieu, Robert Truswell (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 62The semantics and pragmatics of quotation ed. by Paul Saka, Michael Johnson (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 2Article 63The Editor’s Report
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 64On the island sensitivity of topicalization in Norwegian: An experimental investigation
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 65Syntactic variation and auxiliary contraction: The surprising case of Scots
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 66A unified account of conditioned phonological alternations: Evidence from Guébie
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 67Evidence for Britain and Ireland as a linguistic area
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 68How universal is agent-first? Evidence from symmetrical voice languages
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 69Teaching linguistic argumentation through a writing-intensive approach
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 70Direct copying of inflectional paradigms: Evidence from Lamunkhin Even
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 71The AP Linguistics initiative
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 72Lexical tone or foot structure in Hong Kong English? A response to Lian-Hee Wee
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 73Cameroon Pidgin English: A comprehensive grammar by Miriam Ayafor and Melanie J. Green (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 74Language contact and change in Mesoamerica and beyond ed. by Karen Dakin, Claudia Parodi, and Natalie Operstein (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 75Language in our brain: The origins of a uniquely human capacity by Angela D. Friederici (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 76Language, politics and society in the Middle East: Essays in honour of Yasir Suleiman ed. by Yonatan Mendel and Abeer AlNajjar (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 3Article 77Bilingualism in the community: Code-switching and grammars in contact by Rena Torres Cacoullos and Catherine Travis (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 78Comparing solutions to the linking problem using an integrated quantitative framework of language acquisition
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 79When lexical statistics and the grammar conflict: Learning and repairing weight effects on stress
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 80Hope for syntactic bootstrapping
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 81The development of the universal perfect in Arabic
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 82Repartitioning
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 83The limits of meaning: Social indexicality, variation, and the cline of interiority
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 84Gotta catch ’em all: Skills grading in undergraduate linguistics
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 85Crosslinguistic evidence for a strong statistical universal: Phonological neutralization targets word-ends over beginnings
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 86Old English vowels: Diachrony, privativity, and phonological representations
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 87Recursion across domains ed. by Luiz Amaral et al. (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 88Recursive lemons: A review of Recursion across domains
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 89Morphological complexity by Matthew Baerman, Dunstan Brown, Greville G. Corbett (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 90Standardising English: Norms and margins in the history of the English language ed. by Pillière et al. (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 91Nominal contact in Michif by Carrie Gillon, Nicole Rosen, Verna Demontigny (review)
LanguageVol. 95Issue 4Article 92The comparative method of language acquisition research by Clifton Pye (review)

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