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本篇推送的是A&HCI权威期刊——Rhetoric Review《修辞评论》2019年论文集、即第38卷第1-4期的46篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失

Rhetoric Review《修辞评论》2019年论文集-共46篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 38Issue 1Article 01Decolonizing Projects: Creating Pluriversal Possibilities in Rhetoric
Vol. 38Issue 1Article 02Female Embodiment, Contradiction, and Ethos Negotiations in Genevieve Stebbins’s Late Nineteenth-Century Statue-Posing Arguments
Vol. 38Issue 1Article 03Present at the Creation: Kenneth Burke at the First CCCC
Vol. 38Issue 1Article 04Resonance Chambers and Industrial Nightmares: Big Wind’s Civic Afflictions
Vol. 38Issue 1Article 05Sylvan Rhetorics:Roots and Branches of More-than-Human Publics
Vol. 38Issue 1Article 06White Squares to Black Boxes: Grindr, Queerness, Rhetorical Silence
Vol. 38Issue 1Article 07“Assurance that the world holds far more good than bad”:The Pedagogy of Memory at the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum
Vol. 38Issue 1Article 08Amanda K. Booher and Julie Jung, eds. Feminist Rhetorical Science Studies: Human Bodies, Posthumanist Worlds. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2018. 260 pages. $40.00 paperback.
Vol. 38Issue 1Article 09Melanie Yergeau. Authoring Autism: On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2018. 302 pages. $26.95 paperback.
Vol. 38Issue 1Article 10David G. Holmes. Where the Sacred and Secular Harmonize: Birmingham Mass Meeting Rhetoric and the Prophetic Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2017. 192 pages. $26.00 paperback.
Vol. 38Issue 1Article 11Gae Lyn Henderson and M. J. Braun, eds. Propaganda and Rhetoric in Democracy: History, Theory, Analysis. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2016. 286 pages. $40.00 paperback.
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 12William Hazlitt, Classical Rhetoric, and The Spirit of the Age
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 13Finding Ada: Socially Situated Historical Methods and Nineteenth Century Feminist Activism
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 14Female Tract Distributorsand Their Door-to-Door Rhetorical Education
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 15Complicit in Victimage: Imagined Marginality in Southern Communication Criticism
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 16Keeping with: The Civic Work of Heritage Claims
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 17“The Line Drawn”: Freedom Corner and Rhetorics of Place in Pittsburgh, 1960s-2000s
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 18Sounding Out the Progymnasmata
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 19How to Do Things with Incoherence
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 20Ryan Skinnell, ed. Faking the News: What Rhetoric Can Teach Us About Donald J. Trump. Exeter, UK: Imprint Academic, 2018. 193 pages. $29.90 paperback.
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 21Dana L. Cloud. Reality Bites: Rhetoric and the Circulation of Truth Claims in U.S. Political Culture. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press, 2018. 216 pages. $29.95 paperback.
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 22James P. Beasley. Rhetoric at the University of Chicago. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing, 2018. 193 pages. $94.22 hardcover.
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 23Bryan J. McCann. The Mark of Criminality: Rhetoric, Race, and Gangsta Rap in the War-on-Crime Era. Tuscaloosa, AL: The University of Alabama Press, 2017. 186 pages. $49.95 hardcover.
Vol. 38Issue 2Article 24Jane S. Sutton and Mari Lee Mifsud. A Revolution in Tropes: Alloiostrophic Rhetoric. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015. 128 pages. $88 hardcover.
Vol. 38Issue 3Article 25Ordering the Mind: Reading Style in Hugh Blair
Vol. 38Issue 3Article 26Our Bodies and the Language We Learn: The Dialectic of Burkean Identification in the 1930s
Vol. 38Issue 3Article 27“The Caprices of an Undisciplined Fancy”: Using Blame to Negotiate the “betweens” of Ethos via the Epideictic
Vol. 38Issue 3Article 28“Then Alone Could the Morning Stars Sing Together for Joy”: Engendering Rhetorical Alliance in the Stone-Blackwell Courtship Correspondence
Vol. 38Issue 3Article 29(Re)telling the Times: The Tangled Memories of Confederate Spies Rose O’Neal Greenhow and Belle Boyd
Vol. 38Issue 3Article 30“Labor is Noble and Holy”: Ironic Inclusion and Exclusion in the Knights of Labor, 1885-1890
Vol. 38Issue 3Article 31Epideictic Rhetoric and British Citizenship Practices: Remembering British Heroes from the 1857 Indian Uprising at Civic Celebrations
Vol. 38Issue 3Article 32Memorializing Violence: Identity, Temporality, and the “Vulnerability” of a Mythical Figure in State Graffiti
Vol. 38Issue 3Article 33The Function of Quasi-Public Intellectuals in the Manipulation of Publics
Vol. 38Issue 3Article 34Disabled Upon Arrival: Eugenics, Immigration, and the Construction of Race and Disability
Vol. 38Issue 3Article 35Tracing Rhetoric and Material Life: Ecological Approaches
Vol. 38Issue 3Article 36Actionable Media: Digital Communication Beyond the Desktop
Vol. 38Issue 4Article 37Perspectives on Cultural and Posthumanist Rhetorics
Vol. 38Issue 4Article 38Core-Coursing Counterstory: On Master Narrative Histories of Rhetorical Studies Curricula
Vol. 38Issue 4Article 39The Racial Politics of Circulation: Trumpicons and White Supremacist Doxai
Vol. 38Issue 4Article 40“Just let this sink in”: Feminist Megethos and the Role of Lists in #MeToo
Vol. 38Issue 4Article 41Making Visible the Nativism-Ableism Matrix: The Rhetoric of Immigrants’ Comics
Vol. 38Issue 4Article 42When Kairos Compels Composition: Women’s Response to the 1924 Burpee Seed Company® Contest, “What Burpee Seeds Have Done for Me”
Vol. 38Issue 4Article 43Unruly Rhetorics: Protest, Persuasion, and Publics
Vol. 38Issue 4Article 44Planting the Anthropocene: Rhetorics of Natureculture
Vol. 38Issue 4Article 45Resounding the Rhetorical: Composition as a Quasi-Object
Vol. 38Issue 4Article 46The Struggle Over Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter
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