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本篇推送的是SSCI权威期刊——Foreign Language Annals《外语年鉴》2019年论文集,即第52卷第1-4期的40篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效

Foreign Language Annals《外语年鉴》2019年论文集-共40篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 52Issue 1Article 01The pronunciation teaching practices of university‐level graduate teaching assistants of French and Spanish introductory language courses
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 02Current approaches to pronunciation instruction: A longitudinal case study in French
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 03Exploring the effects of foreign language instructional practices on student proficiency development
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 04Self‐assessment: How reliable is it in assessing oral proficiency over time?
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 05Factors associated with improvement in oral fluency when using video‐synchronous mediated communication with native speakers
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 06Heritage language education in the United States: A national survey of college‐level Chinese language programs
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 07Motivation to learn languages other than English: A critical research synthesis
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 08Affordances, complexities, and challenges of intercultural citizenship for foreign language teachers
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 09Facing reality: A survey of methods instructors’ perspectives on world language teacher development
Vol. 52Issue 1Article 10When a heritage speaker wants to be a Spanish teacher: Educational experiences and challenges
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 11Using different carrots: How incentivization affects proficiency testing outcomes
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 12Exploring achievement goal theory, ACTFL's 5 Cs, and the L2 classroom: What goals do students set?
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 13Individual differences in L2 achievement mirror individual differences in L1 skills and L2 aptitude: Crosslinguistic transfer of L1 to L2 skills
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 14Global simulation as a mediating tool for teaching and learning language and culture as discourse
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 15Engineering engagement: Perceived L2 development and short‐term service learning abroad
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 16Foreign language practice in simulation video games: An analysis of game‐based FL use dynamics
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 17Enhancing instructor candidate oral proficiency through interdepartmental collaboration
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 18Writing recounts of habitual events: Investigating a genre‐based approach
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 19Student and faculty perceptions of writing in a foreign language studies major
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 20The impact of a Web‐based leveled reading program on Arabic language learners' reading experiences
Vol. 52Issue 2Article 21Salience in the noticing and production of L2 arabic forms
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 22Benefits of foreign language learning and bilingualism: An analysis of published empirical research 2005–2011
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 23Making the most of general education foreign language requirements
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 24Promoting intercultural thinking and reflection through U.S. history
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 25Service learning in Spanish for the health professions: Heritage language learners’ competence in action
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 26Managing cognitive load with a flipped language class: An ethnographic study of the student experience
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 27The effects of prompts on L2 writing performance and engagement
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 28The impact of peer corrective feedback on vocabulary development
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 29Peer review and training: Pathways to quality and value in second language writing
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 30A case for a functional linguistic knowledge base in world language teacher education
Vol. 52Issue 3Article 31The control, content, and consequences of edTPA: World language teacher educators’ perceptions
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 32Benefits of foreign language learning and bilingualism: An analysis of published empirical research 2012–2019
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 33Why reading is a challenge for U.S. L2 learners: The impact of cognitive, ecological, and psychological factors in L2 comprehension
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 34Contextual factors impacting feedback practices for non‐English L2 writing
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 35Exploring the pedagogical affordances of a collaborative board game in a dual language immersion classroom
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 36Lasting effects of pre‐university language exposure on undergraduate proficiency
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 37Impact of self‐reflection and awareness‐raising on novice French learners’ pronunciation
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 38A study of 21st century skills and engagement in a university Spanish foreign language classroom
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 39Language learning at the dinner table: Two case studies of French homestays
Vol. 52Issue 4Article 40A survey of world language cooperating teachers: Implications for teacher development
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卜木 天霖 岑海兵 SARAH YU 罗捷 沈茜 丁丁妈妈 王晓慧 Dumuma 金英姬 橄榄树