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本期推送的是SCIE期刊——Journal of Voice《嗓音杂志》最新一期、即2020年第24卷第1期的41篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失效后

Journal of Voice《嗓音杂志》2020年第24卷第1期-共41篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 24Issue 1Article 01Characterization of the Continuous Elastic Parameters of Porcine Vocal Folds
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 02A Two-Stage Cepstral Analysis Procedure for the Classification of Rough Voices
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 03Phonation Quotient Using Three Aerodynamic Instruments in the Disordered Voice
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 04Passive Upper Airway Thermoregulation and High-Speed Assessment for Conventional versus Menthol Cigarette: Implications for Laryngeal Physiology
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 05The Cricothyroid Joint: A Practical Guide for Distinguishing Between Different Joint Types
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 06Development of Excised Larynx
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 07Intelligibility of Long-Distance Emergency Calling
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 08The Effect of Formant Biofeedback on the Feminization of Voice in Transgender Women
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 09Validation of the German Version of the Transsexual Voice Questionnaire for Male-to-Female Transsexuals
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 10“My Voice Is My Identity”: The Role of Voice for Trans Women's Participation in Sport
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 11An Acoustic-Signal-Based Preventive Program for University Lecturers’ Vocal Health
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 12Trends in the Incidence and Treatment of Benign Vocal Fold Lesions in Korea, 2006–2015: A Nationwide Population-based Study
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 13Characteristics and Voice Outcomes of Ulcerative Laryngitis
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 14Voice Quality as Therapeutic Outcome in Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 15Early Injection Laryngoplasty After Surgery: 30 Cases and Proposed Aspiration Assessment Protocol
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 16Bilateral Posterior Cricoarytenoid Myoneurectomy for Abductor Spasmodic Dysphonia
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 17Original Research: Aerosolized Lidocaine: Effective for Safer Arousal After Suspension Laryngoscopy
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 18Anesthetic Management for Medialization Laryngoplasty Performed Under Concurrent Dexmedetomidine, Remifentanil, and Propofol Infusions
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 19Application of Thulium Laser as Office-based Procedure in Patients With Vocal Fold Polyps
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 20Surgical Impact of the Montgomery Implant System on Arytenoid Cartilage and the Paralyzed Vocal Fold
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 21Laryngopharyngeal Reflux as Causative Factor of Vocal Fold Nodules
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 22Reply to the Letter to the Editor
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 23Book Review: The Voice Clinic Handbook (second edition)By Tom Harris and David M. Howard, Compton Publishing, United Kingdom, 2018
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 24Book Review: A Practical Guide to Laryngeal Framework Surgery
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 25Characteristics of Functional Dysphonia in Children
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 26Social and Stylistic Correlates of Vocal Fry in a cappella Performances
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 27A Pilot Survey of Warm-Up Practices and Perceptions Among Indian Classical Singers
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 28Voice Disorders and Voice Knowledge in Choir Singers
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 29Influence of Altered Auditory Feedback on Oral-Nasal Balance in Song
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 30Validation of the Acoustic Voice Quality Index Version 03.01 and Acoustic Breathiness Index in German
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 31Vocal Tract Discomfort Scale: Validation of the Argentine Version
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 32The Singing Voice Handicap Index (SVHI): Validation and Adaptation Into Persian
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 33A Longitudinal Study Investigating Synchronization in a Singing Quintet
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 34A Longitudinal Study of Intonation in an a cappella Singing Quintet
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 35The Role of Observation and Mentorship in Voice Pedagogy Training
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 36Treatment Effectiveness of Novafon Local Vibration Voice Therapy for Dysphonia Treatment
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 37Frailty Syndrome, Cognition, and Dysphonia in the Elderly
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 38Feature Maps of the Acoustic Spectrum of the Voice
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 39Acoustic Voice Analysis and Maximum Phonation Time in Relation to Voice Handicap Index Score and Larynx Disease
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 40Spontaneous Giant Laryngeal Granuloma in the Absence of Laryngeal Injury
Vol. 24Issue 1Article 41Laryngostroboscopic Exploration of Rough Vocal Effects in Singing and their Statistical Recognizability: An Anatomical and Physiological Description and Visual Recognizability Study of Distortion, Growl, Rattle, and Grunt using laryngostroboscopic Imaging and Panel Assessment
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