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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Language Assessment Quarterly《语言评测季刊》2019年论文集、即第16卷第1-5期的29篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内

Language Assessment Quarterly《语言评测季刊》2019年论文集-共29篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 16Issue 1Article 01Interactional Competence with and without Extended Planning Time in a Group Oral Assessment
Vol. 16Issue 1Article 02“Are You Into Beer Pong?” Exploring Question-Answer Sequences in an L2 Oral Performance Assessment
Vol. 16Issue 1Article 03Validating an L2 Academic Group Oral Assessment: Insights From a Spoken Learner Corpus
Vol. 16Issue 1Article 04Including L2-English Varieties in Listening Tests for Adolescent ESL Learners: L1 Effects and Learner Perceptions
Vol. 16Issue 1Article 05Can subject matter experts rate the English language skills of customer services representatives (CSRs) at work in Indian contact centre?
Vol. 16Issue 1Article 06A Qualitative Inquiry Into the Impact of the Hong Kong LPATE Over the Past Decade and a Half: Changes, Challenges, and Implications
Vol. 16Issue 1Article 07Revisiting EFL Assessment: Critical perspectives, Edited by Rahma Al-Mahrooqi, Christine Coombe, Faisal Al-Maamari, and Vijay Thakur, Springer, Switzerland, 2017, 350 pp
Vol. 16Issue 1Article 08Vocabulary Assessment to Support Instruction: Building Rich Word-Learning Experiences
Vol. 16Issue 2Article 09Investigating the Construct of Topical Knowledge in Second Language Assessment: A Scenario-Based Assessment Approach
Vol. 16Issue 2Article 10Investigating the Benefits of Scaffolding in Assessments of Young English Learners: A Case for Scaffolded Retell Tasks
Vol. 16Issue 2Article 11Distinguishing Features of Young English Language Learners’ Oral Performance
Vol. 16Issue 2Article 12An Innovative Approach to Assessing Depth of Knowledge of Academic Words
Vol. 16Issue 2Article 13Text Integration and Speaking Proficiency: Linguistic, Individual Differences, and Strategy Use Considerations
Vol. 16Issue 2Article 14“Be a Machine”: International Graduate Students’ Narratives around High-Stakes English Tests
Vol. 16Issue 2Article 15An Equal Challenge? Comparing TOEFL iBT™ Speaking Tasks with Academic Speaking Tasks
Vol. 16Issue 3Article 16Variations in Rating Scale Functioning in Assessing Speech Act Production in L2 Chinese
Vol. 16Issue 3Article 17Retrofitting Non-diagnostic Reading Comprehension Assessment: Application of the G-DINA Model to a High Stakes Reading Comprehension Test
Vol. 16Issue 3Article 18Cognate Frequency Predicts Accuracy in Tests of Lexical Knowledge
Vol. 16Issue 3Article 19Using a Listening Vocabulary Levels Test to Explore the Effect of Vocabulary Knowledge on GEPT Listening Comprehension Performance
Vol. 16Issue 3Article 20The New Computer Adaptive Test of Size and Strength (CATSS): Development and Validation
Vol. 16Issue 3Article 21The Sociocultural Activity of High Stakes Standardised Language Testing: TOEIC Washback in a South Korean Context
Vol. 16Issue 4-5Article 22The Construct of Multilingualism in Language Testing
Vol. 16Issue 4-5Article 23Three Multilingual Dynamics of Indigenous Language Use that Challenge Standardized Linguistic Assessment
Vol. 16Issue 4-5Article 24Classroom-based Assessments in Linguistically Diverse Communities: A Case for Collaborative Research Methodologies
Vol. 16Issue 4-5Article 25Incorporating Translanguaging in Language Assessment: The Case of a Test for University Professors
Vol. 16Issue 4-5Article 26Pupils’ Perceptions on Accommodations in Multilingual Assessment of Science
Vol. 16Issue 4-5Article 27Exploring the Use of a Dual Language Assessment Task to Assess Young English Learners
Vol. 16Issue 4-5Article 28How Can Multilingualism be Supported through Language Education in Europe?
Vol. 16Issue 4-5Article 29Multilingual Testing Constructs: Theoretical Foundations
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