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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Discourse Studies《话语研究》2019年论文集、即第21卷第1-6期共67篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失效后

Discourse Studies《话语研究》2019年论文集-共67篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 21Issue 1Article 01The utility of topic modelling for discourse studies: A critical evaluation
Vol. 21Issue 1Article 02What do displays of empathy do in palliative care consultations?
Vol. 21Issue 1Article 03Telescoping responses to requests: Unpacking progressivity
Vol. 21Issue 1Article 04The social organization of assistance in multilingual interaction in Swedish residential care
Vol. 21Issue 1Article 05Book review: Gail Jefferson, with Paul Drew and Jörg R. Bergmann (eds), Repairing the Broken Surface of Talk: Managing Problems in Speaking, Hearing, and Understanding in Conversation
Vol. 21Issue 1Article 06Book review: Simona Pekarek Doehler, Johannes Wagner and Esther González-Martínez (eds), Longitudinal Studies on the Organization of Social Interaction
Vol. 21Issue 1Article 07Book review: Azad Mammadov, Studies in Text and Discourse
Vol. 21Issue 1Article 08Book review: Salvatore Attardo (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor
Vol. 21Issue 1Article 09Book review: Amanda Bateman and Amelia Church (eds), Children’s Knowledge-in-Interaction: Studies in Conversation Analysis
Vol. 21Issue 1Article 10Book review: Eric Friginal, Joseph J Lee, Brittany Polat and Audrey Roberson, Exploring Spoken English Learner Language Using Corpora: Learner Talk
Vol. 21Issue 2Article 11Assessing health professionals’ communication through role-play: An interactional analysis of simulated versus actual general practice consultations
Vol. 21Issue 2Article 12Participation frameworks and socio-discursive competence in young children: The role of multimodal strategies
Vol. 21Issue 2Article 13‘Mitori’ practices at a Japanese Hospital: Interactional analysis of the processes of death and dying in Japan
Vol. 21Issue 2Article 14Dealing with numbers: Nurses informing doctors and patients about test results
Vol. 21Issue 2Article 15Direct and indirect ways of managing epistemic asymmetries when eliciting memories
Vol. 21Issue 2Article 16Book review: Villy Tsakona and Jan Chovanec (eds), The Dynamics of Interactional Humor: Creating and Negotiating Humor in Everyday Encounters
Vol. 21Issue 2Article 17Book review: Michele Zappavigna and JR Martin, Discourse and Diversionary Justice: An Analysis of Youth Justice Conferencing
Vol. 21Issue 2Article 18Book review: John Flowerdew and John E Richardson (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies
Vol. 21Issue 2Article 19Book review: Miriam A Locher, Reflective Writing in Medical Practice: A Linguistic Perspective
Vol. 21Issue 2Article 20Bood review: Jianxin Ding, Linguistic Prefabrication: A Discourse Analysis Approach
Vol. 21Issue 2Article 21Book review: Elena Mihas, Conversational Structures of Alto Perené (Arawak) of Peru
Vol. 21Issue 3Article 22Talking a team into being in online workplace collaborations: The discourse of virtual work
Vol. 21Issue 3Article 23Working out availability, unavailability and awayness in social face-to-face encounters: The case of dementia
Vol. 21Issue 3Article 24Managing epistemic imbalances in peer interaction during mathematics lessons
Vol. 21Issue 3Article 25Discourse analysis as a tool for uncovering strengths in communicative practices of autistic individuals
Vol. 21Issue 3Article 26Negotiating meanings online: Disagreements about word meaning in discussion forum communication
Vol. 21Issue 3Article 27Questioning in court: The construction of direct examinations
Vol. 21Issue 3Article 28Book review: Anne Barron, Yueguo Gu and Gerard Steen (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics
Vol. 21Issue 3Article 29Book review: Larssyn Staley, Socioeconomic Pragmatic Variation: Speech Acts and Address Forms in Context
Vol. 21Issue 3Article 30Book review: Peter Siemund, Speech Acts and Clause Types: English in a Cross-Linguistic Context
Vol. 21Issue 3Article 31Book review: Jessica N Lester and Michelle O’Reilly, Applied Conversation Analysis: Social Interaction in Institutional Settings
Vol. 21Issue 3Article 32Book review: Wei Li, Pragmatic Transfer and Development: Evidence from EFL Learners in China
Vol. 21Issue 3Article 33Book review: Ruth Page, Narratives Online: Shared Stories in Social Media
Vol. 21Issue 4Article 34A caring interview: Polar questions, epistemic stance and care in examinations of eligibility for social benefits
Vol. 21Issue 4Article 35Repair receipts: On their motivation and interactional import
Vol. 21Issue 4Article 36Building a case for accessing service provision in child and adolescent mental health assessments
Vol. 21Issue 4Article 37‘OK, well, first of all, let me say …’: Discursive uses of response initiators in US presidential primary debates
Vol. 21Issue 4Article 38Couples bickering: Disaffiliation and discord in Chinese conversation
Vol. 21Issue 4Article 39Book review: Dennis Kurzon and Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky (eds), Legal Pragmatics
Vol. 21Issue 4Article 40Book review: John Gray and Tom Morton, Social Interaction and English Language Teacher Identity
Vol. 21Issue 4Article 41Book review: Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen and Margaret Selting, Interactional Linguistics: Studying Language in Social Interaction
Vol. 21Issue 4Article 42Book review: Terhi Korkiakangas, Communication, Gaze and Autism: A Multimodal Interaction Perspective
Vol. 21Issue 4Article 43Book review: Dominique Legallois, Thierry Charnois and Meri Larjavaara (eds), The Grammar of Genres and Styles: From Discrete to Non-discrete Units
Vol. 21Issue 4Article 44Book review: Charlotte Taylor and Anna Marchi (eds), Corpus Approaches to Discourse: A Critical Review
Vol. 21Issue 5Article 45Categorization for occasioned semantics: Reanalysis of a Japanese Yamagata 119 emergency call
Vol. 21Issue 5Article 46Pain and the collision of expertise in primary care physical exams
Vol. 21Issue 5Article 47Deontic authority in intervention discourse: Insights from bystander intervention
Vol. 21Issue 5Article 48Multimodal enactment of characters in conference presentations
Vol. 21Issue 5Article 49Are you trying to be funny? Communicating humour in deafblind conversations
Vol. 21Issue 5Article 50Book review: Georgeta Cislaru and Thierry Olive, Le processus de textualisation: Analyse des unités linguistiques de performance écrite
Vol. 21Issue 5Article 51Book review: Arnulf Deppermann and Jürgen Streeck (eds), Time in Embodied Interaction: Synchronicity and Sequentiality of Multimodal Resources
Vol. 21Issue 5Article 52Book reviews: Melani Schröter and Charlotte Taylor (eds), Exploring Silence and Absence in Discourse: Empirical Approaches
Vol. 21Issue 5Article 53Book review: Sunny Hyon, Introducing Genre and English for Specific Purposes
Vol. 21Issue 5Article 54Book review: Annika Hübl and Markus Steinbach (eds), Linguistic Foundations of Narration in Spoken and Sign Languages
Vol. 21Issue 5Article 55Book review: Alwin Fill and Hermine Penz (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Ecolinguistics
Vol. 21Issue 5Article 56Book review: Response to review (Williams, 2019) of Elena Mihas (2017) Conversational Structures of Alto Perené (Arawak) of Peru
Vol. 21Issue 6Article 57Constructing legitimation in Scottish newspapers: The case of the independence referendum
Vol. 21Issue 6Article 58Identity, self and other: The emergence of police and victim/survivor identities in domestic violence narratives
Vol. 21Issue 6Article 59Use of the functional independence measure in Japanese rehabilitation team interaction
Vol. 21Issue 6Article 60A computational model for measuring discourse complexity
Vol. 21Issue 6Article 61Reworking research: Interactions in academic articles and blogs
Vol. 21Issue 6Article 62Book review: Chris Shei (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Discourse Analysis
Vol. 21Issue 6Article 63Book review: John Heritage and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds), Between Turn and Sequence: Turn-initial Particles across Languages
Vol. 21Issue 6Article 64Book review: Patricia Bou-Franch and Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich (eds), Analyzing Digital Discourse: New Insights and Future Directions
Vol. 21Issue 6Article 65Book review: Douglas Biber and Jesse Egbert, Register Variation Online
Vol. 21Issue 6Article 66Book review: Jarmila Mildorf and Bronwen Thomas (eds), Dialogue across Media
Vol. 21Issue 6Article 67Book review: Sumin Zhao, Emilia Djonov, Anders Björkvall and Morten Boeriis (eds), Advancing Multimodal and Critical Discourse Studies: Interdisciplinary Research Inspired by Theo van Leeuwen’s Social Semiotics
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