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序号 | 特辑 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Dynamicity and Contrast in Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | Elorza et al. | SFL approaches to language dynamics and contrast |
02 | Dynamicity and Contrast in Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | Bartlett | No Gods and precious few heroes: SFL and evolutionary linguistics |
03 | Dynamicity and Contrast in Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | Berry | Inequalities in status: How do they show in discourse and what can be done about them? |
04 | Dynamicity and Contrast in Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | O'Grady | Intonation and exchange: A dynamic and metafunctional view |
05 | Dynamicity and Contrast in Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | O'Donnell | Dynamic modelling of context: Field, Tenor and Mode revisited |
06 | Dynamicity and Contrast in Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | Arús-Hita | Pushing SFL out of its comfort zone: The role of SPCA structure in English and Spanish |
07 | Dynamicity and Contrast in Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | Banks | Reprint: Translating the academic article in the late 17th century |
08 | Dynamicity and Contrast in Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | Heilmann et al. | Animacy and agentivity of Subject Themes in English-German translation |
09 | Dynamicity and Contrast in Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | Sellami-Baklouti | Transitivity-ergativity perspectives on causation in legal texts: A contrastive study of Arabic and English website terms of service |
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