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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Neurolinguistics《神经语言学杂志》2019年论文集、即第49-52卷共76篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效

Journal of Neurolinguistics《神经语言学杂志》2019年论文集-共76篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 49Article 01Profile of hyperlexia: Reconciling conflicts through a systematic review and meta-analysis
Vol. 49Article 02Factive and counterfactive interpretation of embedded clauses in aphasia and its relationship with lexical, syntactic and general cognitive capacities
Vol. 49Article 03What can repetition, reading and naming tell us about Jargon aphasia?
Vol. 49Article 04Metaphorical meaning learning in contexts: An event-related potential study
Vol. 49Article 05On the neural basis of word reading: A meta-analysis of fMRI evidence using activation likelihood estimation
Vol. 49Article 06Are there similarities between emotional and familiarity-based processing in visual word recognition?
Vol. 49Article 07Differential effect of reading training on functional connectivity in children with reading difficulties with and without ADHD comorbidity
Vol. 49Article 08Differential effects of negative and positive emotional content over veridical and false recognition in aging and Alzheimer's disease
Vol. 49Article 09Bilingual aphasia: Explanations in population encoding
Vol. 49Article 10Brain electrophysiological responses to emotion nouns versus emotionless nouns
Vol. 49Article 11The cognitive and neural oscillatory mechanisms underlying the facilitating effect of rhythm regularity on speech comprehension
Vol. 49Article 12Effects of morphological complexity in left temporal cortex: An MEG study of reading Chinese disyllabic words
Vol. 49Article 13Episodic future thinking and narrative discourse generation in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Vol. 49Article 14Bi-lateralized Whorfian effect in color perception: Evidence from Chinese Sign Language
Vol. 49Article 15Chinese phonological consistency effect in native and second language learners of Chinese: An fMRI study
Vol. 49Article 16Neuroemergentism: A framework for studying cognition and the brain
Vol. 49Article 17It's about time: Adding processing to neuroemergentism
Vol. 49Article 18Emergent and constrained: Understanding brain and cognitive development
Vol. 49Article 19Neuroemergentism: Levels and constraints
Vol. 49Article 20What underlies the emergence of stimulus- and domain-specific neural responses? Commentary on Hernandez, Claussenius-Kalman, Ronderos, Castilla-Earls, Sun, Weiss, & Young (2018)
Vol. 49Article 21Emergentism in neuroscience and beyond
Vol. 49Article 22The compatibility within a modular framework of emergent and dynamical processes in mind and brain
Vol. 49Article 23If experience is not enough: Understanding multilingualism through early neurobiological variability
Vol. 49Article 24Commentary on Neuroemergentism: A framework for studying cognition and the brain. The neurocomputations of neuroemergentism: Long-term memory + reinforcement learning = language?
Vol. 49Article 25Neuroemergentism: At the intersection of ontogeny and phylogeny
Vol. 49Article 26Tracking qualitative changes in cognition and brain development through bilingualism
Vol. 49Article 27Neuroemergentism: Response to commentaries
Vol. 50Article 28Cross-linguistic perspectives on second language reading
Vol. 50Article 29Neurobiological signatures of L2 proficiency: Evidence from a bi-directional cross-linguistic study
Vol. 50Article 30What is phonological awareness in L2?
Vol. 50Article 31Beyond the simple view of early first and second language reading: The impact of lexical quality
Vol. 50Article 32How Dutch and Turkish-Dutch readers process morphologically complex words: An ERP study
Vol. 50Article 33Neuroimaging evidence for sensitivity to orthography-to-phonology conversion in native readers and foreign learners of Chinese
Vol. 50Article 34Radical repetition effects in beginning learners of Chinese as a foreign language reading
Vol. 50Article 35Another look at the role of vowel letters in word reading in L2 English among native Korean readers
Vol. 50Article 36Reading comprehension in L1 and L2: An integrative approach
Vol. 50Article 37Situation model building ability uniquely predicts first and second language reading comprehension
Vol. 50Article 38Do adults acquire a second orthography using their native reading network?
Vol. 50Article 39Chinese-English bilinguals transfer L1 lexical reading procedures and holistic orthographic coding to L2 English
Vol. 50Article 40Deconstructing and reconstructing cross-language transfer in bilingual reading development: An interactive framework
Vol. 51Article 41The second-order effect of orthography-to-phonology mapping consistency on Chinese spoken word recognition
Vol. 51Article 42Neural correlates of intra-sentential code-switching in the auditory modality
Vol. 51Article 43The influence of bilingual language experience on executive control: An ERPs study
Vol. 51Article 44The impact of the Cognitive Pragmatic Treatment on the pragmatic and informative skills of individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Vol. 51Article 45Does phonological rule of tone substitution modulate mismatch negativity?
Vol. 51Article 46Brain responses to morphologically complex verbs: An electrophysiological study of Swedish regular and irregular past tense forms
Vol. 51Article 47Changes in the functional connectivity of auditory and language-related brain regions in children with congenital severe sensorineural hearing loss: An fMRI study
Vol. 51Article 48Backward licensing of Negative Polarity Items in Dutch: An ERP investigation
Vol. 51Article 49Neural correlates of processing emotions in words across cultures
Vol. 51Article 50Altered hemispheric specialization for speech in adult dyslexic readers: An ERPs and dichotic listening study
Vol. 51Article 51Prosodic phrase priming during listening to Chinese ambiguous phrases in different experimental tasks
Vol. 51Article 52An electrophysiological investigation of translation and morphological priming in biscriptal bilinguals
Vol. 51Article 53Right hemisphere involvement for pun processing – Effects of idiom decomposition
Vol. 51Article 54The fundamental phonological unit of Japanese word production: An EEG study using the picture-word interference paradigm
Vol. 51Article 55Levodopa effect on spontaneous speech in Parkinson's disease
Vol. 51Article 56Brain activation and functional connectivity during Chinese writing: An fMRI study
Vol. 51Article 57Higher resting state functional connectivity between the vmPFC and rTPJ in individuals who display conversational synchrony
Vol. 51Article 58A dissociation between syntactic and lexical processing in Parkinson's disease
Vol. 51Article 59When embeddedness matters: Electrophysiological evidence for the role of head noun position in Chinese relative clause processing
Vol. 51Article 60Speech perception in bilingual contexts: Neuropsychological impact of mixing languages at the inter-sentential level
Vol. 51Article 61Asymmetry of affect in verbal irony understanding: What about the N400 and P600 components?
Vol. 51Article 62The involvement of subcortical grey matter in verbal semantic comprehension: A systematic review and meta-analysis of fMRI and PET studies
Vol. 51Article 63Semantic processing of metaphor: A case-study of deep dyslexia
Vol. 51Article 64Concrete and abstract word processing in deep dyslexia
Vol. 52Article 65Everyday conversation after right hemisphere damage: A methodological demonstration and some preliminary findings
Vol. 52Article 66Processing of non-contrastive subphonemic features in French homophonous utterances: An MMN study
Vol. 52Article 67An elephant needs a head but a horse does not: An ERP study of classifier-noun agreement in Mandarin
Vol. 52Article 68Semantic unification modulates N400 and BOLD signal change in the brain: A simultaneous EEG-fMRI study
Vol. 52Article 69The role of valence and origin of emotions in emotional categorization task for words
Vol. 52Article 70Is Theory of Mind the basis for exhaustivity in wh-questions? Evidence from TOM impairment after right hemisphere damage
Vol. 52Article 71Prosodically controlled derivations in the mental lexicon
Vol. 52Article 72Updating emotional information in daily language comprehension: The influence of topic shifts
Vol. 52Article 73Atypical N170 lateralization of face and word recognition in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorder
Vol. 52Article 74Lesion-aphasia discordance in acute stroke among Bengali-speaking patients: Frequency, pattern, and effect on aphasia recovery
Vol. 52Article 75Prepositions as a hybrid between lexical and functional category: Evidence from an ERP study on German sentence processing
Vol. 52Article 76Messages must be tuned to the target language: Some implications of crosslinguistic semantic diversity for neurolinguistic research on speech production
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