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期号 | 序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
1 | 01 | Paper | Wu | Confrontational Maneuvering by Dissociation in Spokespersons’ Argumentative Replies at the Press Conferences of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
1 | 02 | Paper | Trouche et al. | Objective Evaluation of Demonstrative Arguments |
1 | 03 | Paper | Walton | Plausible Argumentation in Eikotic Arguments: The Ancient Weak Versus Strong Man Example |
1 | 04 | Paper | Svačinová | The Thesis of the Effectiveness of Quasi-logical Arguments |
1 | 05 | Paper | Blassnig et al. | Populism and Informal Fallacies: An Analysis of Right-Wing Populist Rhetoric in Election Campaigns |
1 | 06 | Review | Blair | Narration as Argument. Paula Olmos, Editor |
1 | 07 | Review | Kienpointner | Kati Hannken-Illjes: Argumentation. Einführung in die Theorie und Analyse der Argumentation. Narr/Francke/Attempto: Tübingen, 2018, 193 pp |
2 | 01 | Paper | van Eemeren | Argumentative Style: A Complex Notion |
2 | 02 | Paper | Corneli et al. | Argumentation Theory for Mathematical Argument |
2 | 03 | Paper | Freeman | Factors for Evaluating Presumptions and Presumptive Inferences |
2 | 04 | Paper | Dufour | Old and New Fallacies in Port-Royal Logic |
2 | 05 | Paper | Walton & Gordon | How Computational Tools Can Help Rhetoric and Informal Logic with Argument Invention |
2 | 06 | Paper | Damele | Henrique Jales Ribeiro: Retórica, Argumentação e Filosofia. Estudos Sistemáticos e Histórico–Filosóficos, MinervaCoimbra, Coimbra, 2016, pp. 171 |
2 | 07 | Review | Zhong | Sharon Bailin and Mark Battersby: Reason in the Balance: An Inquiry Approach to Critical Thinking |
3 | 01 | Paper | Mohammed | Standing Standpoints and Argumentative Associates: What is at Stake in a Public Political Argument? |
3 | 02 | Paper | Xie | Argument by Analogy in Ancient China |
3 | 03 | Paper | González et al. | Theoretical Considerations for the Articulation of Emotion and Argumentation in the Arguer: A Proposal for Emotion Regulation in Deliberation |
3 | 04 | Paper | Xiong & Yan | Mencius’s Strategies of Political Argumentation |
3 | 05 | Paper | Douherty | The Pernicious Effects of Compression Plagiarism on Scholarly Argumentation |
3 | 06 | Paper | Juthe | Reconstructing Complex Pro/Con Argumentation |
3 | 07 | Review | Huang & Zhang | Review: Multimodal Argumentation and Rhetoric in Media Genres |
3 | 01 | Obituary | Woods | In Memoriam |
3 | 02 | Paper | Cionea et al. | Argumentative Competence in Friend and Stranger Dyadic Exchanges |
3 | 03 | Paper | Wu | “I Have No Comment”: Confrontational Maneuvering by Declaring a Standpoint Unallowed or Indisputable in Spokespersons’ Argumentative Replies at the Regular Press Conferences of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
3 | 04 | Paper | Demir & Hample | A Cross-Cultural Study of Argument Orientations of Turkish and American College Students: Is Silence Really Golden and Speech Silver for Turkish Students? |
3 | 05 | Paper | Yan & Xiong | Refutational Strategies in Mencius’s Argumentative Discourse on Human Nature |
3 | 06 | Paper | Bodlović | Presumptions, and How They Relate to Arguments from Ignorance |
3 | 07 | Review | Weger | Dale Hample: Interpersonal Arguing |
3 | 08 | Review | Yuan | Steve Oswald, Thierry Herman and Jérôme Jacquin (eds.): Argumentation and Language-Linguistic, Cognitive and Discursive Explorations |
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