【每日期刊】TESOL Journal《对外英语教育杂志》2020年第11卷第2期-共21篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——TESOL Journal《对外英语教育杂志》最新一期、即2020年第11卷第2期的21篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载。
TESOL Journal《对外英语教育杂志》2020年第11卷第2期-共21篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Yol & Yoon | Engaging English language learners with critical global literacies during the pull‐out: Instructional framework |
02 | Article | Song et al. | Manifesting multidimensional creativity in a technology‐mediated online TESOL practicum course |
03 | Article | Daniel et al. | Cultivating teacher responsiveness with emergent bilingual students through videotaped lesson analysis |
04 | Article | McCrocklin | Exploring the effectiveness of structured language learning experiences for bilinguals in a language acquisition course |
05 | Article | Hassanzadeh & Salehizadeh | Focus on form options in second language pronunciation instruction: The case of lexical stress |
06 | Article | Cardoza & Brown | Supporting newly arrived Latinx students in upper elementary mathematics through one‐way dual‐language approaches |
07 | Article | Huh & Lee | Fostering creativity and language skills of foreign language learners through SMART learning environments: Evidence from fifth‐grade Korean EFL learners |
08 | Article | Patterson | Freelance language teachers: Negotiating authenticity and legitimacy at the periphery |
09 | Article | Moradkhani & Rahimi | The impact of students’ English proficiency level and teacher education on L2 teachers’ pedagogical knowledge: A mixed‐methods study |
10 | Article | Morales | Readability and types of questions in Chilean EFL high school textbooks |
11 | Article | O’Keeffe | How exemplary educators use their instructional expertise to support CLDE achievement in English‐only inclusive classrooms |
12 | Article | Gherwash & Paiz | Building online writing labs: Recommendations for L2 writing content development |
13 | Article | Maamuujav et al. | The utility of infographics in L2 writing classes: A practical strategy to scaffold writing development |
14 | Exploration | Valdez et al. | Using memes to teach critical inquiry in the ESL classroom |
15 | Note | Kessler | Promoting text co‐ownership and peer interactions in collaborative writing |
16 | Note | Meighan | An “educator’s” perspective: How heritage language pedagogy and technology can decolonize the English classroom |
17 | Note | Bond | Two viewpoints of English learner (re)classification: The implications of federal requirements for defining English learners in U.S. schools |
18 | Review | Lanaghan | Vocab Victor Word Learning App |
19 | Review | Kohnke | Teacher Development Over Time: Practical Activities for Language Teachers |
20 | Review | Johnson | New Ways in Teaching Speaking, Second Edition Edited by Julie Vorholt TESOL International Association. ISBN 978‐1‐945351‐29‐7. Price USD Non‐TESOL‐member Price: 47.95 Discounted Member Price: 38.36. 286 pages. |
21 | Review | Peker & Toprak-Celen | Language Teacher Psychology Edited by Sarah Mercer and Achilleas Kostoulas. Bristol, England: Multilingual Matters. ISBN 978‐17830‐9945‐0. Price USD 149.95 (hardcover). 364 pp. |
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