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序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Zhang et al. | Why do you choose to teach Chinese as a second language? A study of pre-service CSL teachers’ motivations |
02 | Article | Tong & Tsung | Humour strategies in teaching Chinese as second language classrooms |
03 | Article | Dao | Effect of interaction strategy instruction on learner engagement in peer interaction |
04 | Article | Lin | A helping hand for thinking and speaking: Effects of gesturing and task planning on second language narrative discourse |
05 | Article | Bi & Jiang | Syntactic complexity in assessing young adolescent EFL learners’ writings: Syntactic elaboration and diversity |
06 | Article | Tian & Zhou | Learner engagement with automated feedback, peer feedback and teacher feedback in an online EFL writing context |
07 | Article | Bulté & Roothooft | Investigating the interrelationship between rated L2 proficiency and linguistic complexity in L2 speech |
08 | Article | Liu & Wiener | Homophones facilitate lexical development in a second language |
09 | Article | Aka | Incidental learning of a grammatical feature from reading by Japanese learners of English as a foreign language |
10 | Article | Chaovin et al. | An investigation of the structure and role of English as a Foreign Language self-efficacy beliefs in the workplace |
11 | Article | Dikilitaş et al. | Preschool English teachers gaining bilingual competencies in a monolingual context |
12 | Article | Hiver et al. | Why stories matter: Exploring learner engagement and metacognition through narratives of the L2 learning experience |
13 | Article | Pawlak et al. | Investigating factors responsible for boredom in English classes: The case of advanced learners |
14 | Article | Castellano-Risco | The development of receptive vocabulary in CLIL vs EFL: Is the learning context the main variable? |
15 | Article | Banegas et al. | Can engaging L2 teachers as material designers contribute to their professional development? findings from Colombia |
16 | Article | Gallagher | Considered in context: EFL teachers’ views on the classroom as a bilingual space and codeswitching in shared-L1 and in multilingual contexts |
17 | Article | Akbarian | EFL learners’ lexical availability: Exploring frequency, exposure, and vocabulary level |
18 | Article | Saeedakhtar et al. | The effect of hands-on and hands-off data-driven learning on low-intermediate learners’ verb-preposition collocations |
19 | Article | Contreras et al. | Examining differences between pre- and in-service teachers’ cognition when lesson planning |
20 | Review | Zandian | International Students’ Challenges, Strategies and Future Vision: A Socio-Dynamic Perspective, Anas Hajar, Multilingual Matters (2019), p. 237, -13:978-1-78892-223-4 |
21 | Review | Gao & Liu | Learning strategy instruction in the language classroom: Issues and implementation, Anna U. Chamot, Vee Harris (Eds.), Bristol: Multilingual Matters (2019), xxvi+296 |
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