【每日期刊】International Journal of Bilingualism《国际双语杂志》2020年第24卷第4期-共19篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——International Journal of Bilingualism《国际双语杂志》最新一期、即2020年第24卷第4期的19篇论文(侵删) ,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载。
International Journal of Bilingualism《国际双语杂志》2020年第24卷第4期-共19篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Kpogo & Gathercole | The influence of native English-speaking environment on Akan-English bilinguals’ production of English inter-dental fricatives |
02 | Article | O'Toole et al. | Findings from the first phase of developing a receptive vocabulary test for the Irish language |
03 | Article | Liu et al. | Symmetries of comprehension-based language switch costs in conflicting versus non-conflicting contexts |
04 | Article | Visonà & Plonsky | Arabic as a heritage language: A scoping review |
05 | Article | Orcasitas-Vicandi | Crosslinguistic influence and morphological awareness in English (third language) writing |
06 | Article | Turnbull | Beyond bilingualism in Japan: Examining the translingual trends of a “monolingual” nation |
07 | Article | Wu et al. | Effects of the interface categories on the acquisition patterns of English reflexives among learners of English as a foreign language |
08 | Article | Mor & Prior | Individual differences in L2 frequency effects in different script bilinguals |
09 | Article | Qi & Biase | The influence of the environmental language (Lε) in Mandarin-English bilingual development: The case of transfer in wh- questions |
10 | Article | Ehl et al. | Differentiated bilingual vocabulary assessment reveals similarities and differences compared to monolinguals: Conceptual versus single-language scoring and the relation with home language and literacy activities |
11 | Article | Moriguchi & Lertladaluck | Bilingual effects on cognitive shifting and prefrontal activations in young children |
12 | Article | Mayr et al. | Can you tell by their English if they can speak Welsh? Accent perception in a language contact situation |
13 | Article | Yao et al. | Cantonese tone production in pre-school Urdu–Cantonese bilingual minority children |
14 | Article | Yuan & Zhang | An incremental model of second language speech production mechanisms: Developmental evidence from object ellipsis in second language Chinese speech production |
15 | Article | Dewaele & Botes | Does multilingualism shape personality? An exploratory investigation |
16 | Article | Urbaneja | “¿Tú tienes una little pumpkin?” Mixed noun phrases in Spanish-English bilingual children and adults |
17 | Article | Liang & Chen | The impact of language proficiency on the time course and neural basis of L2 semantic access in bilinguals |
18 | Article | Gnevsheva | The role of style in the ethnolect: Style-shifting in the use of ethnolectal features in first- and second-generation speakers |
19 | Article | Tannenbaum & Har | Beyond basic communication: The role of the mother tongue in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) |
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