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著名语音学家John J. Ohala论文集(1964~2017)-第3、第4部分


       著名语音学家、美国加州大学伯克利分校荣休教授John J. Ohala教授于近日辞世。为表敬慕与纪念,小编整理了1964~2017年间Ohala教授的主要论文、著述章节或讲演PPT,总共分为5个部分。

John J. Ohala (July 19, 1941 – August 22, 2020) was a linguist specializing in phonetics and phonology. He was a Professor Emeritus in linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley.

He received his PhD in linguistics in 1969 from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA); his graduate advisor was Peter Ladefoged. He is best known for his insistence that many aspects of languages' phonologies (a.k.a. "sound patterns") derive from physical and physiological constraints which are independent of language and thus have no place in the "grammar" of a language, i.e. what speakers have to learn inductively from exposure to the speech community into which they are born.

He also proposed that ethological principles influence certain aspects of languages' prosodic patterns, sound symbolism, and facial expressions, such as lip and brow movements.

John J. Ohala教授的115篇著作(1964~2017)目录

0011966A new photoelectric glottograph
0021969Use of hooked-wire electrodes for electromyography of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles
0031969The function of the sternohyoid muscle in speech
0041971Monitoring soft-palate movements in speech
0051971The role of physiological and acoustic models in explaining the direction of sound change
0061972How is pitch lowered?
0071972How to represent natural sound patterns
0081972The physiology of tone
0091973The problem of aspiration in Hindi phonetics
0101973Explanations for the intrinsic pitch of vowels
0111974Experimental historical phonology
0121975Phonetic explanations for nasal sound patterns
0131975A mathematical model of speech aerodynamics
0141975The temporal regulation of speech
0151976Comments on 'Temporal interaction within a phrase and sentence context'
0161977The physiology of stress
0171977The story of [w]: an exercise in the phonetic explanation for sound patterns
0181978Southern Bantu vs. the world: the case of palatalization of labials
0191978The production of tone
0201978Phonological notations as models
0211979The contribution of acoustic phonetics to phonology
0221979Universals of labial velars and de Saussure's chess analogy
0231979Phonetic universals in phonological systems and their explanation
0241979Passive vocal tract enlargement during voiced stops
0251979Phonetic explanations for the development of tones
0261980Moderator's summary of symposium on 'Phonetic universals in phonological systems and their explanation'
0271980The acoustic origin of the smile
0281980The application of phonological universals in speech pathology
0291980Phonetically motivated parallels between child phonology and historical sound change
0301981Listeners' ability to identify languages by their prosody
0311981Articulatory constraints on the cognitive representation of speech
0321981The listener as a source of sound change
0331983Speech timing as a tool in phonology
0341983The phonological end justifies any means
0351983The origin of sound patterns in vocal tract constraints
0361983Modern applied linguistics
0371984An ethological perspective on common cross - language utilization of F0 of voice
0381984Chairman's summary of Symposium on Phonetic Explanation in Phonology
0391984Prosodic phonology and phonetics
0401985Around flat
0411986Experimental Phonology: Introduction
0421986Testing hypotheses regarding the psychological manifestation of morpheme structure constraints
0431986Against the direct realist view of speech perception
0441986Consumer's guide to evidence in phonology
0451987Experimental phonology
0461987Explanation in phonology: Opinions and examples
0471987Explaining the intrinsic pitch of vowels
0481987Psycholinguistic probes of native speakers' phonological knowledge
0491988Linguistics as an experimental discipline
0501989Discussion of Lindblom's 'Phonetic invariance and the adaptive nature of speech'
0511989Sound change is drawn from a pool of synchronic variation
0521990Respiratory activity in speech
0531990There is no interface between phonetics and phonology. A personal view
0541990Hypercorrection in speech perception
0551990The phonetics and phonology of aspects of assimilation
0561991The integration of phonetics and phonology
0571991Epenthetic nasals in the historical phonology of Hindi
0581991Nasal epenthesis in Hindi
0591992The segment: Primitive or derived?
0601992What is the input to the speech production mechanism?
0611992What's cognitive, what's not, in sound change
0621992Alternatives to the sonority hierarchy for explaining the shape of morphemes
0631992Phonetic universals and Hindi segment duration
0641992The costs and benefits of phonological analysis
0651993Coarticulation and Phonology.
0661993The phonetics of sound change
0671993The phonetics of nasal phonology: theorems and data
0681993Sound change as nature's speech perception experiment
0691994Towards a universal, phonetically-based, theory of vowel harmony
0711994Listeners' identification of speech sounds is influenced by adjacent "restored" phonemes
0721994Acoustic study of clear speech: a test of the contrastive hypothesis
0731994Hierarchies of environments for sound variation; plus implications for 'neutral' vowels in vowel harmony
0741994The frequency codes underlies the sound symbolic use of voice pitch
0751995Experimental phonology
0761995A probable case of clicks influencing the sound patterns of some European languages
0771995The phonetics of phonology
0781995Speech perception and lexical representation: The role of vowel nasalization in Hindi and English
0791995Nasal loss before voiceless fricatives: a perceptually-based sound change
0801996Temporal cues for vowels and universals of vowel inventories
0811996Speech perception is hearing sounds, not tongues
0821996Ethological theory and the expression of emotion in the voice
0831997Alternatives to the sonority hierarchy for explaining segmental sequential constraints
0841997Comparison of speech sounds: Distance vs. cost metrics
0851997Phonetics in phonology
0861997Aerodynamics of phonology
0871997Emergent stops
0881997Sound symbolism
0891998Correlation between consonantal VC transitions and degree of perceptual confusion of place contrast in Hindi
0902000Phonetics in the Free Market of Scientific Ideas and Results
0912000Irrelevance of the lowered larynx in modern Man for the development of speech
0922001Markedness and consonant confusion asymmetries
0932001Acoustic VC transitions correlate with degree of perceptual confusion of place contrast in Hindi
0942004Phonetics and phonology then, and then, and now
0952004Prosody and Phonology
0962005Phonetic explanations for sound patterns. Implications for grammars of competence
0972005The marriage of phonetics and phonology
0982017Phonetics and historical phonology
0992015A brief history of experimental phonetics in the 18th and 19th centuries
1002012Tone and the Physiology of F0 Variation
1012011Accommodation to the Aerodynamic Voicing Constraint and its Phonological Relevance
1022011Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein: Pioneer in Speech Synthesis
1032011Micro-phonetic Influences on Syllabification
1042010The emergent syllable
1052010What is and what is not under the control of the speaker: intrinsic vowel duration
1062009Languages’ sound inventories: the devil in the details
1072009In Memoriam: Ralph L. Vanderslice and Gunnar Fant
1082009Signaling with the eyebrows–commentary on Huron, Dahl, and Johnson
1092008The ethological basis of certain signals of affect and emotion
1102008Understanding variability in speech: A brief survey over 2.5 millennia
1112008Voicing control and nasalization
1122008Oral cavity enlargement in retroflex stops
1132011Accommodation to the Aerodynamic Voicing Constraint and its Phonological Relevance
1142007Moving phonological science from paper to the laboratory: The case of nasals and nasalization
1152006The optimal nose
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