【每日期刊】Language, Speech & Hearing Service in Schools《学校语言、言语与听力服务》2020年51卷第2期-共24篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Language, Speech & Hearing Service in Schools《学校语言、言语与听力服务》2020年51卷第2期的24篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Language, Speech & Hearing Service in Schools《学校语言、言语与听力服务》2020年51卷第2期-共24篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Prologue | Van Horne | Forum on Morphosyntax Assessment and Intervention for Children |
02 | Tutorial | Finestack et al. | Using Computerized Language Analysis to Evaluate Grammatical Skills |
03 | Clinical Focus | Eisenberg et al. | Use of Imitation Training for Targeting Grammar: A Narrative Review |
04 | Clinical Focus | Balthazar et al. | Explicit Grammatical Intervention for Developmental Language Disorder: Three Approaches |
05 | Clinical Focus | Bruinsma et al. | Focused Stimulation Intervention in 4- and 5-Year-Old Children With Developmental Language Disorder: Exploring Implementation in Clinical Practice |
06 | Article | Castilla-Earls | Morphological Errors in Monolingual Spanish-Speaking Children With and Without Developmental Language Disorders |
07 | Article | Bedore et al. | Language and Literacy Together: Supporting Grammatical Development in Dual Language Learners With Risk for Language and Learning Difficulties |
08 | Article | Calder et al. | Explicit Grammar Intervention in Young School-Aged Children With Developmental Language Disorder: An Efficacy Study Using Single-Case Experimental Design |
09 | Note | Bringer et al. | Tracking Early Sentence-Building Progress in Graphic Symbol Communication |
10 | Note | Currana | Complex Sentences in an Elementary Science Curriculum: A Research Note |
11 | Tutorial | Fallon & Katz | Structured Literacy Intervention for Students With Dyslexia: Focus on Growing Morphological Skills |
12 | Clinical Focus | Hurley et al. | A Program Review of Head Start and Elementary School Hearing Screenings |
13 | Article | Kelley et al. | Teaching Undergraduate Clinicians Empirically Supported Practices for Preschool Vocabulary Instruction |
14 | Article | Soto et al. | Iterative Development of a Home Review Program to Promote Preschoolers' Vocabulary Skills: Social Validity and Learning Outcomes |
15 | Article | Bowles et al. | Development of the Narrative Assessment Protocol-2: A Tool for Examining Young Children's Narrative Skill |
16 | Article | Abdalla et al. | Structural Development of Narratives in Arabic: Task Complexity, Age, and Cultural Factors |
17 | Article | Barker & Hicks | Treating Deficits in Auditory Processing Abilities |
18 | Article | Orizaba et al. | Examination of Narrative Language at Microstructural and Macrostructural Levels in Spanish-Speaking Preschoolers |
19 | Article | Heilmann et al. | Properties of Spoken Persuasive Language Samples From Typically Developing Adolescents |
20 | Article | Farquharson et al. | Contributions to Gain in Speech Sound Production Accuracy for Children With Speech Sound Disorders: Exploring Child and Therapy Factors |
21 | Article | Allen & Mayo | Speech-Language Pathologists' Perceptions of School-Based Services for Children With Hearing Loss |
22 | Article | Roberts et al. | Machine-Scored Syntax: Comparison of the CLAN Automatic Scoring Program to Manual Scoring |
23 | Note | Quick et al. | A Hearing Screening Pilot Study With Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities |
24 | Letter | Garbarino et al. | Use of Computerized Language Analysis to Assess Child Language |
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