【每日期刊】Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics《临床语言学与语音学》2020年第34卷第10&11期-共10篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics《临床语言学与语音学》最新两期、即2020年第34卷第10-11期的10篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics《临床语言学与语音学》2020年第34卷第10&11期-共10篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 特辑 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Communication disorders, enchrony, and other-participation in repair | Editorial | Barnes & Bloch | Communication disorders, enchrony, and other-participation in repair |
02 | Communication disorders, enchrony, and other-participation in repair | Article | Salmenlinna & Laakso | Other-initiations of repair by children with developmental language disorder in speech-language therapy and non-institutional play |
03 | Communication disorders, enchrony, and other-participation in repair | Article | Barnes | Right hemisphere damage and other-initiated repair in everyday conversation |
04 | Communication disorders, enchrony, and other-participation in repair | Article | Beeke et al. | Correction and turn completion as collaborative repair strategies in conversations following Wernicke’s aphasia |
05 | Communication disorders, enchrony, and other-participation in repair | Article | Antaki et al. | To initiate repair or not? Coping with difficulties in the talk of adults with intellectual disabilities |
06 | Communication disorders, enchrony, and other-participation in repair | Article | Bloch & Barnes | Dysarthria and other-initiated repair in everyday conversation |
07 | Communication disorders, enchrony, and other-participation in repair | Article | Pajo & Laakso | Other-initiation of repair by speakers with mild to severe hearing impairment |
08 | Communication disorders, enchrony, and other-participation in repair | Article | Rae & Ramey | Correction and repair: a comparative analysis of a boy with ASD interacting with a parent and with an ABA trainer |
09 | Communication disorders, enchrony, and other-participation in repair | Commentary | Wilkinson | Commentary — developing the comparative perspective in atypical interaction research |
10 | Communication disorders, enchrony, and other-participation in repair | Commentary | Meteyard | Commentary — other initiated repair: a window onto the challenges of real-world communication |
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