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序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Obituary | / | Obituary – Anita Wenden |
02 | Article | Bu & Zhou | A study of Chinese EFL learners’ problems with stress acquisition |
03 | Article | Li et al. | The predictive effects of classroom environment and trait emotional intelligence on Foreign Language Enjoyment and Anxiety |
04 | Article | Hernández | Explicit instruction for the development of L2 Spanish pragmatic ability during study abroad |
05 | Article | Alzahrani & Roberts | The effect of visuospatial designing elements of zoomable user interfaces on second language vocabulary acquisition |
06 | Article | Merkel | Collage of confusion: An analysis of one university’s multiple plagiarism policies |
07 | Article | Jin et al. | ‘You just appreciate every little kindness’: Chinese language teachers’ wellbeing in the UK |
08 | Article | Yang | Epistemic agency, a double-stimulation, and video-based learning: A formative intervention study in language teacher education |
09 | Article | Leona | Explaining individual differences in young English language learners’ vocabulary knowledge: The role of Extramural English Exposure and motivation |
10 | Article | Bai & Wang | Hong Kong secondary students’ self-regulated learning strategy use and English writing: Influences of motivational beliefs |
11 | Article | Ha & Murray | The impact of a professional development program on EFL teachers’ beliefs about corrective feedback |
12 | Article | Afshar | Task-related focus-on-forms foreign language vocabulary development: Focus on spoken form and word parts |
13 | Article | Lee | The effects of proficiency and textual enhancement technique on noticing |
14 | Article | Chon et al. | Comparing L2 learners’ writing against parallel machine-translated texts: Raters’ assessment, linguistic complexity and errors |
15 | Article | Sadeghi & Pourhaji | The contributions of working memory and pre-task explicit instruction to L2 oral performance |
16 | Article | Chen et al. | Grit and motivation for learning English among Japanese university students |
17 | Article | Hoang & Wyatt | Exploring the self-efficacy beliefs of Vietnamese pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language |
18 | Article | Liu & Song | Exploring “Flow” in young Chinese EFL learners’ online English learning activities |
19 | Article | Viana et al. | Giving voice to Applied Linguistics from the Global South |
20 | Article | Maxim | A longitudinal case study of curriculum-based L2 writing development |
21 | Article | Herazo | Mediating spoken meaning-making in genre-based lessons: The role of metalinguistic concepts |
22 | Article | Ryshina-Pankova et al. | Enhancing the content- and language-integrated multiple literacies framework: Systemic functional linguistics for teaching regional diversity |
23 | Article | Zhang & Tsung | Learning Chinese as a second language in China: Positive emotions and enjoyment |
24 | Review | Banegas & Serra | Mentoring teachers to research their classrooms: A practical handbook, Richard Smith. The British Council, New Delhi (2020), 82 pp |
25 | Review | Zhang | Language Aptitude: Advancing Theory, Testing, Research and Practice, Zhisheng (Edward) Wen, Peter Skehan, Adriana Biedroń, Shaofeng Li, Richard L. Sparks (Eds.). Routledge, New York & Oxon (2019), xix + 350, ISBN: 9781138563872. |
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