【每日期刊】Foreign Language Annals《外语年鉴》2020年第53卷第3期-共12篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Foreign Language Annals《外语年鉴》最新一期、即2020年第53卷第3期的12篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Foreign Language Annals《外语年鉴》2020年第53卷第3期-共12篇论文
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Bernhardt & Leffel | Oral proficiency levels of first‐year entering college students with and without Advanced Placement scores |
02 | Article | Beaudrie | Towards growth for Spanish heritage programs in the United States: Key markers of success |
03 | Article | Ramírez | Influences of academic culture in Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): Differences in Mexican and U.S. students' reported experiences |
04 | Article | Hancock & Davin | A comparative case study: Administrators' and students' perceptions of the Seal of Biliteracy |
05 | Article | Liu & Hsieh | Developing metaphorical awareness and competence in Chinese as a foreign language through concept‐based instruction |
06 | Article | Yoshida | Emotional scaffolding in text chats between Japanese language learners and native Japanese speakers |
07 | Article | Tsuchiya | The native speaker fallacy in a U.S. university Japanese and Chinese program |
08 | Article | Mori | Perceptual differences about kanji instruction: Native versus nonnative, and secondary versus postsecondary instructors of Japanese |
09 | Article | Rosenstein et al. | The two‐sided nature of reliance on prior knowledge and on L1/L2 structural similarity in L2 sentence comprehension |
10 | Article | Okraski & Madison | Pueblo Pequeño, Infierno Grande: Shifting the burden of Latinx Spanish teacher retention in the rural South |
11 | Article | Back & Dean | ¡Profesores Adelante! Recruiting teachers in the target language |
12 | Article | Eddy & Bustamante | Closing the pre and in‐service gap: Perceptions and implementation of the IPA during student teaching |
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