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序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Rácz et al. | Morphological convergence as on-line lexical analogy |
02 | Article | Legate et al. | On passives of passives |
03 | Article | Edwards & Brentari | Feeling phonology: The conventionalization of phonology in protactile communities in the United States |
04 | Article | Davis et al. | Forms and functions of backward resumption: The case of Karuk |
05 | Article | Belyaev & Haug | The genesis and typology of correlatives |
06 | Article | Joseph | What is time (and why should linguists care about it)? |
07 | Perspective | Hudley et al. | Toward racial justice in linguistics: Interdisciplinary insights into theorizing race in the discipline and diversifying the profession |
08 | Perspective | Montoya | Enabling excellence and racial justice in universities by addressing structural obstacles to work by and with people from racially minoritized communities: Response to Charity Hudley et al. |
09 | Perspective | Peterson | The US is not enough: Why the real world of linguistics needs your voice (Response to Charity Hudley et al.) |
10 | Perspective | Clemons & Lawrence | Beyond position statements on race: Fostering an ethos of antiracist scholarship in linguistic research (Response to Charity Hudley et al.) |
11 | Perspective | Leonard | Insights from Native American Studies for theorizing race and racism in linguistics (Response to Charity Hudley, Mallinson, and Bucholtz) |
12 | Perspective | DeGraff | Toward racial justice in linguistics: The case of Creole studies (Response to Charity Hudley et al.) |
13 | Perspective | Hudley et al. | From theory to action: Working collectively toward a more antiracist linguistics (Response to commentators) |
14 | Report | Kuhn | Logical meaning in space: Iconic biases on quantification in sign languages |
15 | Review | Motschenbacher | Fabulosa! The story of Polari, Britain's secret gay language by Paul Baker (review) |
16 | Review | Good | Language conflict and language rights: Ethnolinguistic perspectives on human conflict by William D. Davies and Stanley Dubinsky (review) |
17 | Review | Uegaki | Composing questions by Hadas Kotek (review) |
18 | Review | Fábregas | Mixed categories: The morphosyntax of noun modification by Irina Nikolaeva and Andrew Spencer (review) |
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