【每日刊讯】Linguistics and Education《语言学与教育》2021年第64卷-共18篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Linguistics and Education《语言学与教育》最新一期、即2021年第64卷的18篇论文(侵删)。
Linguistics and Education《语言学与教育》2021年第64卷-共18篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Zhang & Yang | Gender voices in Chinese university students’ English writing: A corpus study |
02 | Article | Johnson & Ross | “We are children of God”: White Christian teachers discussing race |
03 | Article | Rose | Reading metaphor: Symbolising, connoting and abducing meanings |
04 | Article | Shahri & Minakova | Reflexive engagement with social meanings through registers |
05 | Article | Netz & Segal | Narratives in the classroom: A tale of affordances and missed opportunities |
06 | Article | Kindenberg | Fixed and flexible, correct and wise: A case of genre-based content-area writing |
07 | Article | LebLanc | Doing voices: Stylization, literary interpretation, and indexical valence |
08 | Article | Metz | Ideology, identity, and pedagogy in English language arts teachers’ linguistic styling in U.S. classrooms |
09 | Article | Tudini & Dooly | Complaining for rapport building: Troubles talk in a preservice language teacher online video exchange |
10 | Article | Morales | Epistemic status as an analytic tool: Mapping classroom talk and participation in a middle grades prototyping testing activity |
11 | Article | Kaufhold & Yencken | Academic writing centres in multilingual settings: Intermediary agents of higher education language policy? |
12 | Article | Deroo & Díaz | “They enjoyed little political power:” Representations of immigrant experience in an 11th-grade U.S. history textbook |
13 | Article | Koster & Litosseliti | Multidimensional perspectives on gender in Dutch language education: Textbooks and teacher talk |
14 | Article | Takahashi | Answering vs. exploring: Contrastive responding styles of East-Asian students and native-English-speaking students in the American graduate classroom |
15 | Article | Iddings | Empowering students’ writing through a more useful metalanguage: A language-based approach to high school English language arts |
16 | Article | Prinsloo | Seeing like a state: Literacy and language standards in schools |
17 | Article | Flores | A raciolinguistic perspective on standardized literacy assessments |
18 | Article | Comber | Signing up to be tested: The costs of participation in high stakes literacy standardised assessments |
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