【每日期刊】Discourse & Society《话语和社会》2021年第32卷第1期-共13篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Discourse & Society《话语和社会》最新一期、即2021年第32卷第1期的13篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Discourse & Society《话语和社会》2021年第32卷第1期-共13篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Nor | Constructing ethnic and national identities in talk on Malaysian issues |
02 | Article | Hall | Intertextual, action-orientated, political and occasioned constructions of Zimbabwe as a country in crisis |
03 | Article | Kleut & Drašković | Discourses of poverty across genres: Competing representations of the poor in the transitional context of Serbia |
04 | Article | Alstrand | Strategies of ideological polarisation in the online news media: A social actor analysis of Megawati Soekarnoputri |
05 | Article | Moalla & Amor | The co-construction of humor in computer-mediated teacher-student communication |
06 | Article | Nguyen | “This is similar to Vincent Chin”: Intertextuality, referring expressions, and the discursive construction of Asian American activist identities in an online messaging community |
07 | Review | Zhang & Lin | Book review: Jonathan Charteris-Black, Metaphors of Brexit: No Cherries on the Cake |
08 | Review | Hu & Li | Book review: Ronny Scholz (ed.), Quantifying Approaches to Discourse for Social Scientists |
09 | Review | Vankataraman | Book review: Amy Jo Murray and Kevin Durrheim (eds), Qualitative Studies of Silence: The Unsaid as Social Action |
10 | Review | Mei | Book review: Malcolm N MacDonald and Duncan Hunter, The Discourse of Security: Language, Illiberalism and Governmentality |
11 | Review | Tang & Xue | Book review: Paul Thompson and Susan Hunston, Interdisciplinary Research Discourse: Corpus Investigations into Environment Journals |
12 | Review | Elliott-Harvey | Book review: Franco Zappettini, European Identities in Discourse: A Transnational Citizens’ Perspective |
13 | Obituary | / | Obituary Prof. em. Dr. Siegfried Jäger |
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