【每日期刊】Journal of Neurolinguistics《神经语言学杂志》2021年第58卷-共19篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Neurolinguistics《神经语言学杂志》最新一期、即2021年第58卷共19篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Journal of Neurolinguistics《神经语言学杂志》2021年第58卷-共19篇论文
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Zhang et al. | Who is “oneself” in Chinese? ERP responses to the Chinese simple reflexive ziji in discourse comprehension |
02 | Article | Pishghadam et al. | Sense combinations influence the neural mechanism of L2 comprehension in semantically violated sentences: Insights from emotioncy |
03 | Article | Noh et al. | Integrity of arcuate fasciculus is a good predictor of language impairment after subcortical stroke |
04 | Article | Idrissi et al. | A neurophysiological study of noun-adjective agreement in Arabic: The impact of animacy and diglossia on the dynamics of language processing |
05 | Article | Li et al. | Common neural circuit for semantic-based articulation of numbers and words: A case study of a patient with Broca's aphasia |
06 | Article | Li et al. | The effects of word concreteness on cross-language neural pattern similarity during semantic categorization |
07 | Article | Williams et al. | Is word-level lexical stress sensitivity affected by downregulation to the left superior temporal gyrus using TMS? |
08 | Article | Gu et al. | Embodied processing of disgust in Mandarin words: An ERP study |
09 | Article | Berghoff et al. | L1 activation during L2 processing is modulated by both age of acquisition and proficiency |
10 | Article | Chen et al. | The role of a critical left fronto-temporal network with its right-hemispheric homologue in syntactic learning based on word category information |
11 | Article | de Almeida et al. | Motor theory modulated by task load: Effects of tDCS over the LSTG on connectivity patterns for phonological processing |
12 | Article | Grodzinsky et al. | A linguistic complexity pattern that defies aging: The processing of multiple negations |
13 | Article | Romö et al. | Segmental diagnostics of neurogenic and functional foreign accent syndrome |
14 | Article | Ardila | Grammar in the brain: Two grammar subsystems and two agrammatic types of aphasia |
15 | Article | Cheng et al. | Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation over the right hemisphere on naming ability in patients with poststroke aphasia: A meta-analysis |
16 | Article | Pisa et al. | Brain, mind and linguistic processing insights into the dynamic nature of bilingualism and its outcome effects |
17 | Article | Bice & Kroll | Grammatical processing in two languages: How individual differences in language experience and cognitive abilities shape comprehension in heritage bilinguals |
18 | Article | Strijkers et al. | Special Issue on Language Production and bilingualism. In memoriam of Albert Costa. |
19 | Article | Bause et al. | Memories: Albert Costa's legacy |
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