【每日期刊】Language Policy《语言政策》2021年第20卷第1期-共10篇论文(侵删)
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本篇推送的是SSCI期刊——Language Policy《语言政策》最新一期、即2021年第20卷第1期的10篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Language Policy《语言政策》2021年第20卷第1期-共10篇论文(侵删)

序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Cabral & Martin-Jones | Critical ethnography of language policy in the global south: insights from research in Timor-Leste |
02 | Article | da Costa Cabral | From discourses about language-in-education policy to language practices in the classroom—a linguistic ethnographic study of a multi-scalar nature in Timor-Leste |
03 | Article | Carneiro | Constructing a common language-in-education policy? Portuguese, Brazilian and Timorese collaboration in the reintroduction of Portuguese in Timor-Leste |
04 | Article | Newman | Tetun akadémiku: University lecturers’ roles in the intellectualisation of Tetum |
05 | Article | Boon et al. | Adult literacy classes in Timor-Leste and diverse language values and practices across the regions: implications for language policy-making |
06 | Article | Chimbutane | Afterword |
07 | Review | Glanbock | Donaldo Macedo (Ed.): Decolonizing Foreign Language Education—The Misteaching of English and Other Colonial Languages |
08 | Review | Macé | Lisa Lim, Christopher Stroud and Lionel Wee (eds.): The Multilingual Citizen: Towards a Politics of Language for Agency and Change |
09 | Review | Saarinen | Diarmait Mac Giolla Chríost and Matteo Bonotti: Brexit, Language Policy and Linguistic Diversity |
10 | Review | Sayer | Language Policy and Linguistic Justice: Economic, Philosophical, and Sociolinguistic Approaches |
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