【每日期刊】Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》2021年第177卷-共17篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》最新一期、即2021年第177卷的17篇论文(侵删)。
Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》2021年第177卷-共17篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Due & Toft | Phygital highlighting: Achieving joint visual attention when physically co-editing a digital text |
02 | Article | Wang et al. | Affective stance in constructional idioms: A usage-based constructionist approach to Mandarin [yòu X yòu Y] |
03 | Article | Vladimirou et al. | Aggressive complaining on Social Media: The case of #MuckyMerton |
04 | Article | Zheng | Stance-taking in Longxi Qiang: Metaphor of the third person possessive pronoun ʦeǐ |
05 | Article | Rozumko | Underspecification in the translation of discourse markers: A parallel corpus study of the treatment of connective functions of indeed in Polish translations |
06 | Article | Lin | Legitimation strategies in corporate discourse: A comparison of UK and Chinese corporate social responsibility reports |
07 | Article | Smith & Kabele | The spring ‘stay at home’ coronavirus campaign communicated by pending accounts |
08 | Article | Jeong | Deriving politeness from an extended Lewisian model: The case of rising declaratives |
09 | Article | Weiste et al. | Interactional use of compliments in mental health rehabilitation |
10 | Review | Hydén | The Dynamics of Dementia Communication, Alison Wray. Oxford University Press, New York (2020), 330 pp., ISBN 9780190917814, EUR 78.54 (hardback) |
11 | Article | Marín-Arrese | Stance, emotion and persuasion: Terrorism and the Press |
12 | Article | Sindoni | “The time is now”: A multimodal pragmatic analysis of how identity and distance are indexed in HIV risk communication digital campaigns in US |
13 | Article | Crible & Degand | Co-occurrence and ordering of discourse markers in sequences: A multifactorial study in spoken French |
14 | Article | House & Kádár | German and Japanese war crime apologies: A contrastive pragmatic study |
15 | Article | Grzech | Using discourse markers to negotiate epistemic stance: A view from situated language use |
16 | Article | Pollali & Sidiropoulou | Identity formation and patriarchal voices in theatre translation |
17 | Article | Dynel & Chovanec | Creating and sharing public humour across traditional and new media |
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