【每日刊讯】Language and Intercultural Communication《语言与跨文化交流》2021年第21卷第3期-共10篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Language and Intercultural Communication《语言与跨文化交流》最新一期、即2021年第21卷第3期的10篇论文(侵删)。
Language and Intercultural Communication《语言与跨文化交流》2021年第21卷第3期-共10篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 特辑 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | News production and intercultural communication at the crossroads of disciplines | Introduction | Valdeón | News production and intercultural communication at the crossroads of disciplines |
02 | News production and intercultural communication at the crossroads of disciplines | Article | Filmer | Salvini, stereotypes and cultural translation: analysing anglophone news discourse on Italy’s ‘little Mussolini’ |
03 | News production and intercultural communication at the crossroads of disciplines | Article | Riggs | How online news headlines and accompanying images ‘translate’ a violent event: a cross-cultural case study |
04 | News production and intercultural communication at the crossroads of disciplines | Article | Matsushita | Diverging narratives: exploring the hidden influence of transquoting in framing the journalistic portrayal of Shiori Ito |
05 | News production and intercultural communication at the crossroads of disciplines | Article | Gu & Wang | Interpreter-mediated discourse as a vital source of meaning potential in intercultural communication: the case of the interpreted premier-meets-the-press conferences in China |
06 | News production and intercultural communication at the crossroads of disciplines | Article | Ruano | Towards alternatives to mechanistic models of translation in contemporary journalism |
07 | News production and intercultural communication at the crossroads of disciplines | Article | van Rooyen & van Doorslaer | News translation as collaboration in multilingual community radio stations in South Africa |
08 | News production and intercultural communication at the crossroads of disciplines | Article | Bazzi | Translation and (un)worthy victims |
09 | News production and intercultural communication at the crossroads of disciplines | Review | Peng & Fu | The Routledge Handbook of language and intercultural communication |
10 | News production and intercultural communication at the crossroads of disciplines | Review | Orange | Tertiary language teacher-researchers between ethics and politics: silent voices, unseized spaces |
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