1167 阅读 85 下载 2021-07-13 15:03:40 上传 2.84 MB
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Yang & van de Weijer | An HPSG approach to Chinese syllable structure and tone sandhi |
02 | Article | Bero | “Perfect” asymmetry: Variation in Judeo-Spanish as a window into the diachrony of perfect auxiliaries |
03 | Article | Lei et al. | Emergent neologism: A study of an emerging meaning with competing forms based on the first six months of COVID-19 |
04 | Article | Helal | Definite description of episodic free relatives in Jordanian Arabic: A choice function analysis |
05 | Article | Zhang & Zhang | Why do L2 learners choose the implicit marker for object relative clauses when it is optionally explicit? |
06 | Article | Cangır & Durrant | Cross-linguistic collocational networks in the L1 Turkish–L2 English mental lexicon |
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